Chapter 19

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Blake sat down on his bed in his own room as he frustrated flicked his hair to the back. His blonde hair didn't waste a second and came back to him in just a second. Sometimes he debated whether he should cut all of it just off. It was becoming long and he was too lazy to actually take care of it or to just fix his hair but somehow again, the girls at the academy were a sucker for it.

Blake had lived in the institute most of his life. His parents were always busy with work. They were always at Idris or overseas in other institutes. He never had a good relationship with them. They never seemed to prioritise his needs as a child and he grew colder by each day.

He didn't feel loved and he had lost hope that someone would ever truly care for him. He envied Faith. He was jealous of her. He wanted everything she had. Her father cared so much for her and that's just the small portion of attention that Blake had ever wanted from his parents but never got it.

He didn't blame Faith for calling her father too overprotective. Alexander Lightwood was overprotective over Faith and if Blake had known who Faith was. What her actual last name was, he would have been careful with her too. The rumours or legends that have been said about her throughout the years of existence amazed him.

He couldn't believe what she actually was and how powerful she truly was. Faith probably never realised that herself but Blake and everyone else that knew what she did as a baby, were jealous but most of all surprised. The fact that the angels had gifted her with such powers was already unspeakable.

Shadowhunters speak among one another and they have always complained how Clarissa Fairchild has always been favourited by the angels but knowing what Caroline said that had happened to Faith's mother, he didn't think that way.

The angels worked in mysterious way. Not even the eldest Shadowhunters would be able to explain every decision they had ever made. Blake truly did think that the punishment Faith's mother had received was too harsh. She ended something that could have been an issue till this present date and not to forget how many lives could have been lost in the process of it.

Didn't the angels think of that too? , Blake thought. He frustrated sighed out and laid back on the bed. He couldn't seem to get Faith out of his head. He wasn't necessarily just thinking about her but to situations, things or people that had a connection to her and somehow, his mind would find it's way back to Faith herself.

"Can't you just go away?" Blake asked annoyed and closed his eyes. He opened his eyes immediately when he vaguely saw Faith's smile while she was talking to him.

"What the fuck?" He cursed as he quickly sat up straight. He heard someone knocking on his door and frustrated he walked over, opened the door before saying annoyed, "What do you want, Faith?!"

He widened his eyes when he saw his best friend standing, Harrison. Also known as Harry. Blake's eyes averted to the figure standing next to him and he mentally wanted to shout when he saw Ava.

She was definitely going to make a big deal about the fact I just had said Faith. , Blake thought and already prepared himself for the lecture.

"Faith?" Harry asked confused as he looked at Blake. He held his hand up as he moved it slightly, signalling that he didn't wanted to talk about it. Harry being his parabatai understood him in an instant and just let him be.

"Faith? Is she bothering you?" Ava's voice asked, making Blake already more annoyed than he already was. He looked at her before he sighed out deeply.

"First of all, it's none of your business and no she doesn't bother me. She is just-" Blake stopped speaking in between when he couldn't make sense of his own behaviour.

It wasn't Faith's fault at all that he kept on thinking about her. It was him. It was his fault.

"What?" Ava asked a bit annoyed as jealousy overcame her. It wasn't a surprise to anyone to know that she had an eye on him and that she would eliminate anyone that came in between them. Even when Blake didn't have any of those intentions with her at all.

He wanted to be her friend because she was there for him, together with Harry when no one else was but asking him to like her went too far for him. He didn't believe or wanted to like anyone in that matter. He didn't believe in love.

His parents were just married for business purposes and had him for the sake of it so his father could carry on the family tree. That's all that Blake was to them and that's all they would be for Blake. He would be lying if he had said that his parents way of bringing him up had to nothing to do with the fact that he didn't believe in love or even having a family.

Family was just a simple word to Blake. Whereas it had powerful meanings to someone else's lives. Family meant nothing to him. He didn't have one and didn't intend to make one in the future. He was his own family. That's all he needed. That's all he wanted for himself.

"What are you guys doing here?" Blake asked as he looked at them. He clearly didn't expect them to come and he truly wished that they didn't. Faith was messing with his mind and he needed to fix that. He needed to fix whatever was wrong with him.

"We wanted to go demon hunting." Harry said as Ava was still annoyed at the fact that Blake spoke so rudely to her and then ignored whatever she had asked.

"Then you should have gone." Blake simply said, making Harry frown at his cold reaction. Harry knew his parabatai very well. Blake always acted cold to people but him being this cold meant that something was definitely bothering him. 

"It is parabatai time though." Harry said, trying to convince Blake. He sighed out as he looked at Harry and then nodded his head.

Ava definitely felt left out and it frustrated her more than anything. No matter how much she tried getting close to him, he would never allow her to be too close which annoyed her more than anything. She liked him more than anything and more than anyone, and not being able to be with him, made her want to scream out of frustration.

The fact that he had mentioned Faith made her even more restless than she already was. She was definitely going to confront her, confront her in her own way which everyone knew was horrible. Ava always was mean to everyone but a bit extra to Faith. There was something about her that Ava had never liked and now she had found out what that something was.


I will never let you have him, Faith. , Ava thought as she was getting angrier by each second of thinking about Blake and Faith together.


Hello peeps!
How is everyone?! I am sorry that I couldn't upload last week. I was quite busy because of work so I am really sorry!
But I hope you enjoyed this though!

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