Chapter 36

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It was awfully easy to find Faith for Blake's liking. He was glad to have found her this easily but he felt like it was too easy. Lilith surely had more powers to go into hiding without leaving a trace. It was like she wanted them to find her. Before Blake went inside to see where Faith was, her parents stepped in before him.

"There is something wrong." Blake said. He felt uneasy. He didn't wanted to feel like this. All he wanted was to take her back home and tell her how much he actually loved her. He wanted to have that normal kind of relationship with her without any strings attached but deep inside his heart, he knew something was wrong.

Faith hasn't been like this ever. Something caused her to break and he couldn't stop but to assume that this could have to do something with her mother. If that was the case, Faith would have a bad reaction seeing her mother and Blake didn't know if Faith's mother particularly could take that from her own flesh and blood. 

He didn't have his opinion about the matter. Blake found it useless. It had happened now and everyone being mad and giving opinions made it just worse. What counted was that she was actually safe and she did try to do the good thing. And maybe due that reason, Faith had been safe for a while.

No one could determine what could have happened if it went differently and judging someone so harshly who just wanted to do something good could be scary. Blake didn't mind what Faith's mother did. She had good intentions. She just wanted her family to be safe and the way she was welcomed was something that Blake couldn't see himself go through.

He would have snapped and probably left again. 

"Yeah no shit. There was a blood lava almost coming out of the building." Harrison replied back to the comment that Blake made. Blake just rolled his eyes as he looked back and walked inside. His face turned down as he saw the state of Faith. The first thing he wanted to do was run towards her and hug her but from the looks of it, she didn't wanted anyone to come near her.

"Lilith was telling the truth..." Faith whispered as she looked at her mother. Caroline looked around to see if she could see any signs of the demon herself but she was nowhere to be found. It was almost like she had abandoned Faith and actually expected her to come back to her again.

That's when she realised that this entire plan was made up. This was something that Lilith did on purpose just to get a reaction out of Faith and put her against her family and friends. Well, she targeted her mother and father specifically because she knew what kind of bond they held and if Faith would have gone to the dark side, only they would have been able to get her back.

But now that Lilith broke that trust between them and put some resent in between, it made their bond weaker and it made it easier for Lilith to turn Faith to what she wanted her to be.

"Faith, sweetie..." Clary said as she shook her head. She could already see what was happening to her and it made her heart ache. She never wanted this for her. This was what she was trying to prevent from happening and even after all that effort, she still came to that same point. 

"NO!" Faith screamed loudly, making the entire building shake with her. Some dust rustled down from the ceiling while a bat that was hanging there flew away with some demons escaping alongside. 

"You both lied to me." Faith said in disgust as she looked at her father and then at her mother. It was saddening too Alec to see in what kind of state Faith was. She was definitely hurt but mostly, she was confused and her physical state... Her eyes were red from the crying and her entire arm was still open and bleeding.

"I promise you. I didn't know anything about this." Alec said truthfully as he looked desperately at his daughter. He could see her slip away, becoming someone she was not. Faith clenched her jaw out of anger and shook her head all over again.

"I already told you. I don't trust any of you." She said. Clary broke down. "I know I have hurt you but let me explain..." She said in a whisper but again, Faith shook her head.

"I don't need a empty truth anymore." She replied back. Blake walked closer towards Faith which made her immediately look at him. "Hey... I have been looking for you and I am was so worried..." He mumbled and got closer to her. 

"Let's go back to the institute and talk about this. It will be safer there for you." He added as he slowly put his arms around her, and hugged her. Faith let her body fall down on his as she bursted out crying. It broke both Alec's and Clary's heart to see their daughter like this.

"I-I can't." She stuttered. "I don't trust them.."

"Trust me." Blake argued back as he deeply looked into her eyes. "You know I wouldn't lie to you or make you believe something that isn't true." He said. Faith looked down with tears in her eyes. 

"I am just a monster..." Clary gasped as she quickly shook her head. "No... You are not. You are our little angel... You make us happy... There is so much good in you." She quickly said. It felt like she was being attacked repeatedly by knives the entire time that Faith was talking badly about herself. 

"Stop." Faith just answered. She looked at her mother without any emotion in her eyes. Without thinking, she let all the dark energy fill her up and every little ounce of positivity that was left in her, just washed away.

Faith's hair that used to be curly and dark red now turned in almost a black colour. Her eyes turned dark red while this mischievous smile started playing on her lips. She lifted her hand up and waved it backwards and in one go, all of them. Magnus, Harry, Clary, Alec, Caroline and Blake flew against the wall.

While all of them tried to get back up, Faith slowly walked over to Clary. She held her hand up, making Clary just rise up in the air, choking as she couldn't breathe.

"Watch your little girl become someone you never wanted her to be." Faith said and her voice sent shivers down Clary's spine. The love in her voice was gone and the one speaking now wasn't Faith herself. 

This was her evil side... 

"Faith!" Magnus called out as he tried to stop her but she wasn't having it. "Silence." She said easily in one go and without expecting it, Magnus just fell unconscious. 

"Magnus..." Caroline whispered as her eyes widened. She quickly moved towards him while Faith kissed her teeth.

"There is no need to make so much noise. I like this better. Nice and quiet." Faith said with a smile while she looked down at Caroline and Magnus.

Caroline cried softly and looked up. "What did you do to him?" She asked. Faith rolled her eyes. "Don't be so dramatic. He might wake up..." She said.

"Or he might not." She finished and with that. She just disappeared.

Clary fell back on the floor as she tried catching her breath. She was coughing out loud while Alec held her by her shoulders, trying to comfort her in a way and to see if she was okay. Clary couldn't believe what she just saw.

The emotions were just overwhelming her and she just cried. 

There was nothing more to say... 

They had lost her

Faith was gone. 


Helloooo :)

Another chapter 

I am trying to write ahead for this chapter so I can at least upload quite frequently without making you wait for another suspenseful chapter.

love you. 


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