Chapter 35

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"Alec..." Magnus whispered as he followed him behind after what he had said to Clary. There were so many emotions going through him at once. He could barely feel how Clary was feeling. All those years apart, Alec couldn't feel their connection as strong as it was before but now he understands why.

He couldn't even look at her. He felt so disgusted to look at her. He didn't believe that this was his Clary. She would have never done this. She would have never been that selfish. She would have never left him alone taking care of their daughter. 

"I don't want to hear anything from you, Bane." Alec snapped back at him while he concentrated getting armed with weapons, his significant the arrow and bow. Magnus exhaled sharply and couldn't even imagine what he was going through but at the same time, he could feel and understand the pain Clary was going through.

"She had no choice." Magnus tried but the quick death glare he received from Alec made him stop talking. He knew that Alec wasn't coming around quickly and sadly, and terrifyingly this could end in their divorce. 

"Everyone has a choice. We were married. We said our vows in front of the angels. We promised to fight alongside each other as long as we were together but Clary took it open herself to separate us." Alec walked away and stood in front the monitor to detect any kind of demonic vibration where he could find a clue to help Faith or to avoid so he could quickly get to her without a delay.

His daughter needed him and he wouldn't let his feelings come in the way. It didn't matter how broken he felt. It didn't matter how Clary just torn apart his heart and destroyed every ounce of their relationship. All that mattered was the safety of his daughter. 

He just wanted Faith.

"Alexander..." Magnus said as he tried to argue back with him but Alec wasn't having it. "I don't need to hear your opinion when it is biased. You knew about this and saw me and Faith suffer without her. You are as guilty as her." He said annoyed and walked past him.

He stopped for a second when he saw Clary. Her red hair was as red as it was before. She aged. There were slight wrinkles underneath her eyes as well as on her forehead. Her green eyes were looking at him, begging him to taking her in his embrace but he couldn't care less.

He still had to get used how she would be around them. He would have been happy. He was happy to see her and a part of his heart was glad that she was okay. But he couldn't live with the fact that she chose to stay away. 

Alec walked past her and looked at Blake, Harry and Caroline who were waiting for him outside. "What do you guys think you are doing?" Alec asked. Blake looked down before he spoke. "Mr. Lightwood, please accept my proposal of helping you finding your daughter back." Harry couldn't even recognise Blake. He had never spoken that formally or nicely to anyone.

Well, he needs to make a good impression on Faith's father anyway. 

"Me too." Caroline said as she stepped forward. She could see Faith's mother looking at her but she couldn't care less. She needed her best friend. 

"And me too." Harry said as all three of them stood in front of them. Alec couldn't help but to think of Jace, Isabelle and himself when they were younger... And then Clary showed up. 


His heart broke thinking about Jace. Only if he could see how much Alec was struggling, he knew  that Jace would have helped regardless. He died... He died helping him. When Alec came back to his senses, he refused their help.

"I will be fine on my own." He answered the teenagers.

"It wasn't a question. I am coming. Faith will be my parabatai. I need her and right now, she needs me." Caroline said and she walked in front to the portal. She knew where the location was. Blake was kind enough to share it. Alec sighed as he watched Caroline and now the rest walk there.

"You can't stop them. They care for her." Clary said in a whisper as she stood beside him. The look they got from the people in the institute was something that Alec couldn't describe. He hated to be looked at in that manner. They were all curious and there was definitely some sort of gossip going around.

"Yeah. Unlike other people." Alec snapped back. Clary exhaled sharply. "She is my daughter too. I did what I did to keep her safe and you. Alec laughed ironically and sarcastically. 

"She is not your daughter. She is just mine. You did not see her grow up. You didn't play the role of a mother so don't come now acting as one. Me and Faith were fine all those years without you and now, we will be fine too." Alec clenched his teeth while looking at her.

Clary's heart broke. All she could see was resent and hatred in his eyes. He had no care towards her anymore. It was really over. 

"She is my daughter too..." She whispered brokenly but Alec didn't hear her. He was already gone by the time she had courage to say something. All she wanted to do was to protect her little family but in the process of doing that, it turned out worse. 

"I will fucking kill you!" Faith shouted at Lilith when she told her about what her parents did. She didn't wanted to believe it. She believed none of it. It was hard to do that because everything she said made sense. If the angels had truly casted her mother away, it would have been more complicated to get to her. 

"You can try. I love this rage." Lilith smiled. This was exactly what she wanted. She wanted that rage. She wanted that hatred. She wanted the dark side of Faith because that dark side would stand by her side. That was the only way Lilith could potentially rule the world. As long as she had her ultimate weapon.

Dark, evil Faith Alexandra Lightwood. 

"I don't believe you." Faith said. Lilith smiled. "Your mother will confirm it. She is here." Lilith replied evil. That's when Faith's heart dropped to her stomach. Her mother was here? How was that even possible? 

"T-That can't be possible..." She stuttered her words. "Your mother is here with your father. They both lied to you. The reason your mother was away from you was to control this evil magic inside of you. She wanted you to focus on the pain of her being gone so you wouldn't look back to the pain or be attracted to the evil magic inside of you." Lilith said in one go.

"No." Faith said in a hurry. She held her ears as she was shaking her head side to side. She was refusing to believe that. Her parents would never put her through that. They wouldn't do that deliberately. They trusted her that much with her powers. 

"It is true. They never trusted you enough.. But I do. They looked down at you for your magic but I am proud of it. It is something magnificent." She said. Faith's heart was racing and the frustration, pain and confusion was too much for her. 

She felt the burning magic travel through her veins. She knew she needed to release it. There was so much holding up together. She couldn't do it. She screamed out of agony, letting all her pain out while she thought of how her parents lied to her and betrayed.

She thought of herself as a monster. They surely wanted to protect her. Now she understood why her father never let her be on her own. He never trusted her.

When Faith looked up, and released all the energy and emotion she had inside of her, fire literally spew out of her,  causing Lilith to be pushed back against the wall. Lilith screamed as she felt the pain that Faith caused her and that was the moment when she realised how powerful Faith actually was.

She definitely could either destroy the world or make it a better place. 

Alec gasped when he saw fire coming out of the building. The earth was shaking while the sky was dressed with dark clouds and lightening. Blake's eyes widened as he realised that this could be Faith and without hesitating, he ran towards the building.

"That's Faith..." Clary whispered. 


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