Chapter 7

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Robert and Sam were playing catch in the backyard, waiting on the rest of the gang so they could go into town. Robert was dressed in a romper Minnie had picked out for him when she got him cleaned up after breakfast. It wasn't his favorite outfit. In fact, it was ill-fitting and a lot more infantile than he would ever dare to wear in public, but Minnie made it clear that it was what she wanted him to wear. She made it seem like he didn't have a choice. 

Sam tossed Bobby the ball just as Johnny, Jack, and Minnie made their appearance. He had turned to watch them and the ball fell to the ground behind him and rolled between his legs. Johnny picked it up and examined it before throwing it to the side. "Okay, you," he said, putting his arm around Robert, "you're coming with us."

Johnny drove and Minnie sat next to him. Robert sat between Jack and Sam in the back. A position he found especially uncomfortable given Sam's sizable girth, on one side, and the unmistakable feel of Jack's 45 rubbing up against his diaper-clad thigh, on the other. Robert was about to have a coming-out party for all his neighbors and friends, though he didn't know it yet. 

The black sedan traveled the back roads into town and parked in an alley behind Lawson's drug store. Minnie got out, her voluptuous legs Dangling for a moment before her feet touched the ground. Sam got out next, and Robert, free of the confines, spread out enough for Jack to access his gun. "Move," he commanded as he pointed the weapon at Bobby.

Robert took Minnie's hand at her insistence and moved away from the car. Sam joined Jack in the back seat. Johnny leaned out the window, "See you at the bank, babe. And you," he said, waving his gun in Robert's direction, "listen to your mommy....or else". That's when Minnie flashed her own gun at him, reinforcing the orders the man just gave. 

Robert bit his lip. In his wildest dreams, he had never imagined coming out to anyone this way, let alone the whole town. Minnie dragged him to the end of the alley and stopped. She shook him hard. "Now you listen to me, sweetheart. You're going to do as I say and act normal. Follow my cues and you won't get hurt. Step out of line and it's curtains for you. And I don't mean new curtains for your nursery. Understand?"

Robert nodded. Minnie took an embroidered handkerchief from her purse and dried his eyes. Then she straightened her hem and pushed him out in front of her onto the sidewalk. They rounded the corner near the drugstore. Robert was doing his best to act "normal" but with the diaper between his legs and his infantile romper, it was extremely hard. He was trying not to look up but when Minnie saw him with his head down she stopped, and in a stage, whisper told him to straighten up and smile. 

Robert's eyes grew wide and he involuntarily stepped back, treading on Minnie's foot as he did so. She clenched her teeth and nudged him with her Glock. He immediately corrected his stance and forced a smile. It was his dumb luck that the first person they met would be the Town Librarian and professional gossip.

"Who's that?" Minnie whispered in his ear. 

"Martha White," Robert replied, between gritted teeth.

"Good morning, Bobby!" Martha said, all too cheerfully, "It's so good to see you in town."

"Good Morning, Ms. White," Robert blushed. It had been years since the lady had called him "Bobby", and he knew at once that she had did it on purpose. To be fair, it had been years since Robert had called her Ms. White. It was an automatic reaction to her calling him by his juvenile name and he regretted it immediately. He bit his lip and tried to avoid eye contact. A nudge in his ribs brought him around and they continued.

"And who do we have here? Martha asked as she turned her attention to the blonde attached to his arm.

"Um...this is my aunt...Mitchel, from Wisconsin."

"Michelle," Minnie corrected him as she extended her hand, "Originally from Wisconsin, but I grew up in Chicago."

"Oh, Chicago!" Martha cooed, "How exciting! With all the gangsters and such! Tell me, is it really as dangerous as it seems?"

Minnie's eyes narrowed and her tone changed. It was now much darker, "Not long as you mind your own business."

"Oh, I see," Ms. White chuckled nervously. She glanced at her watch, "Gracious! Look at the time!"

"Well," Robert croaked, his throat dry, "it was good to see you again, Ms. White."

"And it was very good to see you again, Bobby," she said, looking him over  with a raised eyebrow, "I must say that outfit becomes you."

Robert didn't know what to say to that. It was a poke in the back with the cold steel of Minnie's Glock that brought him around. After clearing his throat, he was able to squeak out a thank you. They exchanged goodbyes and went their separate ways. 

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