Chapter 14

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"Hey, Bobby," Howard said, extending his hand, "fancy meeting you here."

"Oh, hi Howard," Bobby chuckled nervously. His eyes were darting between the sheriff and his daddy. "Um...yeah...Just scoping out the cereals."

Howard ignored his friend's statement, he was too busy sizing up the engineer's outfit with the noticeable diaper bulge and, equally as fascinating, the shady-looking character standing behind him. "And this is...?" he said, offering the other man the chance to shake his hand. Johnny ignored him, deferring his introduction to Bobby. "Oh, uh," Robert hesitated, not knowing exactly how to respond, "This is my..."

Johnny saw that Bobby was about to blow it so he took over, "Uncle Jake."

"Oh, yeah," Howard responded, "Martha told me that Bobby had visitors. Is Michelle here, too?"

Johnny squinted at the man. "Who?" he asked, genuinely puzzled.

Howard looked at the man suspiciously, "Michelle, Bobby's aunt."

This time it was Bobby's turn to save his daddy's behind, "You'll have to excuse my uncle," he chuckled, "he's a bit hard of hearing."

"Oh, Michelle!" Johnny acted as if he had finally figured out what they were saying, "I'll go find her". Then he poked Bobby in the chest, "Behave yourself for the nice man (Squeak)."

Bobby stifled a laugh. Howard looked bemused. Johnny saw an opportunity to leave and did so. Howard took advantage of the sudden void between them to put his arm around Bobby's shoulders. He turned him around so that they were facing the diaper section. "Have you ever seen so many different types of diapers?"

Bobby coughed nervously and Howard continued as he led him down the aisle. He picked up a cereal bowl with a squiggly straw attached to it. "Pretty smart," he said handing the bowl to his friend. Bobby examined it for a second, he thought a second too long, and quickly put it down. Howard went on. He picked up a package of baby bottles with Disney characters on them. "Cute!" he exclaimed as he put them in his friend's hand. Bobby gulped, he was starting to get aroused.

Howard stopped and they turned back. They were facing the toy section now and Howard picked up a particularly babyish toy. "You know," he said, giving Bobby the toy with a somewhat formal gesture, "I have often thought that it was a shame I've never had a little boy of my own". He looked Bobby in the eye, "I'd like to think that I'd be a great daddy."

They stood there in silence. Bobby bit his lip. Even if he wanted to say something, his throat was as parched as a desert. Howard smiled, "Well, I have to get going. Will you be okay?" Bobby looked down at the toy in his hand and then he nodded. When he looked up, Howard was gone.

"Well, here he is!" Johnny exclaimed as he and Minnie appeared at the opposite end of the aisle. Bobby looked up at them with the toy in his hand and watched as they approached. "And what do we have here?" Johnny asked as he took the toy from Bobby. He examined it and then looked at his son. "Do you want this?". Still pondering what the sheriff had said, Bobby absentmindedly nodded at Johnny's question. Johnny shrugged and added it to the cart, "Okay, then."

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