Chapter 19

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Sam had diaper duty for the rest of the night, which might have been a mistake. He kept waking Bobby up to make sure he was still dry and that meant that neither one got much sleep. Of course, Sam got to make up his sleep deficit the next day but Bobby wasn't so lucky. He was needed to give directions on what to pack and what needed to be done to close up the house.

By 1:00 PM, he was a cranky mess and Johnny had him take a nap. He missed lunch and would have missed dinner too if Minnie hadn't remembered him at the last moment. A hardy meal improved his disposition significantly and he got to spend some quality time with his daddy before they put him down for another nap. 

It was 9:00 PM when Johnny woke him up and changed his diaper. Bobby was barely responsive and Sam carried the sleepy lad to the car. He stirred long enough to make out where he was. The car was packed and rifles and guns were at the ready, but safely out of his reach. Minnie buckled him in place, in the middle of the back seat. She put a pacifier in his mouth and he promptly fell asleep again. Everything was proceeding according to plan. 

At 10:00 PM they pulled into town. They would have been there sooner but they stopped at an all-night service station out at the highway and topped off the gas tank. Minnie was dropped off at the Greyhound Bus stop in front of the drugstore with a suitcase. Sam parked at the far end of the block after dropping Johnny Frost and Jack Sprat in front of the Bank. He poked at Bobby to make sure he was still asleep. Bobby slapped at his hand limply but his head lolled to the side. he was clearly out of it. 

Sam was watching the street in front of him when he saw a stranger approach Minnie. His eyes narrowed as he tried to make out what was going on. It seemed that some man was trying to pick her up. This Sam could not tolerate. He glanced at Bobby to make sure he was okay and then rushed to her side. That's when four other men in black suits emerged from the shadows.

Johnny disabled the alarm, Jack picked the lock on the ancient front door and they crept inside. Jack went to work on the safe while Johnny watched the door. Three minutes latter, the safe yielded to Jack's skill. He smiled at his cohort, "Piece of cake, boss!"

Suddenly the bank was flooded with light, There were federal agents everywhere. There was no chance of escape and no time to use their weapons. In the midst of it all was Sheriff Grainger. He pointed his psitol at the safe cracker, "Would you like ice cream with that cake, Mr. Sprat?"

They were frogwalked out to join Sam and Minnie in the back of a black van, which sped away into the night. Howard emerged from the bank a few minutes later. There were a lot of details to take care of but he had only one thing on his mind at the moment, to make sure Robert was safe.

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