Chapter 15

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"That's a lot of apple juice, Bobby," Minnie said as she stowed the last of the three quart-sized bottles in the refrigerator.

"Oh yes, mommy," Bobby smiled, "I love apple juice!"

Minnie shrugged, "Alright, well, help me put away the rest of the groceries and I'll fix you a bottle."

Robert rubbed his eyes and yawned. He found the package of peanut butter cookies he had lobbied his parents to get and handed it to her. Minnie smiled at him and gave him a squeeze, "Well, aren't you cute!"

"Hey, you!" Bobby jumped as Johnny entered the kitchen, "What have I told you about making time with my girl?". He kissed Minnie and then, much to his surprise, Bobby gave him a hug. "Okay, okay," Johnny said, moving away from him and adjusting his suit, "watch the material."

"Oh, doll," Minnie cooed as she replaced Bobby at Johnny's side, "I was just about to put Bobby down for a nap."

"A nap, huh?" Johnny eyed Bobby suspiciously, and Bobby giggled in response, "That's a good idea. A sleepy baby is a cranky baby and that's the last thing we'll need tomorrow night."

Robert didn't have time to think about what that meant. Minnie grabbed him roughly by the hand and led him towards the stairs. He looked back at his daddy and wondered if Johnny had noticed the momentary change in his expression. He stopped on the stairs and turned to his mommy, "Bottle?"

"Oh, right," she said, "Now don't you go anywhere. I'll be right back". Robert sat down on his diapered butt and watched as Minnie disappeared into the kitchen. From his perch on the stairs he could hear them arguing. "Johnny" Minnie excalimed, "What's the matter with you?"

Johnny wasn't about to take any guff. He defended what he did vociferously. "What? It is not like he can tell anyone". And then he added something that surprised them both, "Besides, we are going to take him with us when we leave, right?"

That was too much for Robert to take in and he started to cry. "Oh, great! Now see what you've done?" Minnie threw down a towel and headed for the stairs. 

"Wait," Johnny called her back.


Johnny picked up the bottle of apple juice she had just prepared, "Will you not be needing this?"

"Ooh!" Minnie snorted as she retrieved the juice, "You just wait till I get back, Johnny Frost!"

Bobby was crawling towards the top of the stairs when Minnie caught up with him. She yanked him up by the arm, "Come on, you, it's time for your nap!". Bobby looked at his mommy with big, sorrowful eyes and started to cry. She was not in the mood. She dragged him to his bedroom, tears and all, changed his diaper, and put him to bed. Bobby tried to keep it together. He bit his lip and whispered, "Baba?". 

She was the one who woke him up a couple of hours latter. When she got him dressed Minnie brought him downstairs. He looked around and then realized that they were alone, "Daddy?"

"Daddy will be back later," she replied, as she got him settled in the livingroom. Then she handed Bobby the toy they had bought him from the grocery store. The one Howard gave him.  "Here" she said, "play with this."

Bobby looked at her and smiled, "Baba?"

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