Chapter 11

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Johnny took a step back from the crib. He had never changed a diaper in his life and was loathe to start now. Robert looked up at him with expectant eyes. He stuck his thumb in his mouth and Johnny stared at him for a moment, expressionless. "Well," he sighed at last, "maybe a touch of diaper rash is just what you need." Johnny turned for the door and tears started to well up in Robert's eyes. He had had a diaper rash before and it wasn't fun. 

By the time Johnny got back to the living room, Bobby was wailing like the town tornado siren.

"What's up with Bobby?" Minnie asked when he entered the room. 

"I do not know," Johnny fibbed, "he just started crying."

"Well, you were up there. What's the problem?"

Johnny didn't answer. Instead, he picked up the evening paper and started reading. "Oh, I see," Minnie teased, "is my big, tough hero afraid to change a diaper?"

Johnny ignored her. He turned the page of his paper and continued reading, snapping the paper for added emphasis as he did so.

"Okay, then, tuffy," she said as she headed for the stairs, "come with me."

Johnny put the paper down and sighed but reluctantly followed his moll to Robert's bedroom. "Come on, Johnny," Minnie said as she lead him to the cribside, "he won't bite."

"See?" Johnny scoffed, " Now, why do I not believe you?"

Minnie lowered the cribside and Bobby stretched out his arms, "Daddy?"

"No, silly, I'm your mommy. Johnny is your daddy."

"And do not forget it!" Johnny added with a stern expression, as he loomed over him. Robert's eyes bugged out and he gulped. Johnny watched as Minnie deftly removed the soiled diaper and replaced it with a fresh one. She pulled up his plastic pants and then turned to her man, "There, Do you think you can handle that?"

"Of course," Johnny answered, "no problem at all."

"Duh, what's up, Boss?"

Johnny turned to see Sam standing in the doorway to Robert's room, with Jack standing directly behind him. It was obvious, judging by the expressions on their faces, that they had witnessed the whole thing. "Nothing! Just a little crisis involving our host, that is all," Johnny said as he brushed past them and headed for the stairs. Jack and Sam said their Good Night's to the man in the crib, leaving Minnie to tuck him in. "Sleep tight, little one. See you in the morning." Bobby cooed and smiled back at her as she turned off the light and left.

"Here he is," Minnie croned as she led Bobby to the breakfast table. He sat next to Johnny without being asked. The man glanced at him quickly from behind his newspaper and then promptly went back to reading it. Talk around the table was about Jack and Sam's recognizance of the bank the night before and there was no effort to hide their intentions from Robert any longer.

On the other hand, any contribution he might have made to the effort was ignored. He babbled away between spoonfuls of mush and sips of formula. Minnie tended to his needs while Sam and Jack did their best to ignore him. Johnny glanced at him occasionally and once righted his bottle when Robert knocked it over while reaching across the table. Other than that he was largely ignored until after breakfast. That's when Minnie decided that they needed to take a trip into town for groceries.

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