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While Blaine was reading, Kurt walked into the room. It took a few seconds for Blaine to stop thinking about the magical bald headed disturbance in his book. (Who knows which book Blaine is reading)

"Hey, Kurt!" He squealed.

It had been weeks, which clearly showed while he squeezed the life out of his boyfriend.

"So, I guess that's your boyfriend?" A boy behind him chuckled.

Blaine not-so-subtly peeked behind Kurt disapprovingly. Kurt pulled away, blushing slightly.

"Blaine, this is Chandler. We met in New York."

"What the- Are you-"

"No, I'm not Blaine." Kurt interrupted, face red. "Do you wanna talk outside?"

Blaine quickly nodded, clearly unhappy. When they made it out of the house Blaine glared at Kurt.

"Chandler? What's he doing here? Why are you bringing the guy you cheated on me with to our home?!"

"First off, I didn't cheat on you for the last time!! He didn't even consider me and him a thing, I asked! He's a good friend and I like him."

"You like him?"

"Blaine, stop that. I know you know what I mean."

Blaine looked down, pouting.

"Oh, come on. Don't do that to me, Blaine."

"But you're my boyfriend." Blaine whined.

"I know, I know..." Kurt sighed. "Look he just wanted to meet you. He wanted to be your friend so you wouldn't completely hate him."

Blaine groaned. "So now I have to be his friend, too? When is this gonna end?"

The tallest boy watched Blaine for a second before coming to a realization. Jealousy. Kurt chuckled to which Blaine glared at him again.

"Why are you laughing! It's not funny!"

"You're jealous...." Kurt smiled at him. "It's cute."

"I am not jealous, thank you very much."

His voice cracked, causing Kurt to erupt into a fit of laughter. Blaine blushes involuntarily.

"Can we go back inside now so I can kick this guy out...?" He said through gritted teeth.

Kurt nodded, still smiling, and led him back inside.

Klaine OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now