Chapter 21: Sonia

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Sonia's eyes were scanning the room she was lying in. It was a wonderful room, full of decorations and paintings. Still, she couldn't quite enjoy the beauty of the room, because of the headache that was torturing her.

Why was she there? What was that place? Surely, it wasn't anywhere near The Labyrinth, for she was lying on a comfy bed, and no monsters were trying to kill her.

The place reminded her of her room when she was just a kid and she lived with her father. Suddenly, the memories of Alexis, her husband, who had abandoned her for another girl and had tried to steal everything from Sonia and her father, came back to her mind. She tried to shake them off.

Trying to ignore the headache, she started walking across the wonderful room. Where were all the others? She traced her finger on the decorations on the wall, and she noticed there was a piece of paper on her bed.

She grabbed it and started reading.

Whoever reads  this letter, please, go find me in the dungeons. I need your help.

No signature. The dungeons? So Sonia was in a sort of castle? She tried to concentrate, thinking about the last thing she remembered.

The thought suddenly hit her. The King had entered the Labyrinth, and after that she had forgotten everything. What had happened? And where was she?

'Think, Sonia, think.' she told herself, while she zig-zagged across the room.

A frown appeared on her face once she finally realized where she was. In a castle, and the only castle in Crete was King Minos' castle. Therefore, she was in the King's castle.

Saying Sonia was panicking would be an euphemism. Her vision blurred and her heartbeat became so fast, she thought she might faint. She was in the enemy's home and she didn't like it. She tried to sit on the bed to calm down, but millions of thoughts buzzed through her mind.

Why had the King brought her there? Did the King even know she was there? Who had sent her that letter telling her to go to the dungeons? Where were all the others?

Usually Sonia tried to find the bright side of things. This time, there was no bright side.

She believed there was only one thing left to do.

She had to go to the dungeons and see who had written the note and what they wanted from her.

As Sonia slowly walked through the rooms of the castle, she got reminded of when she was smaller and when she walked through the halls of her father's house. She figured the dungeons would be in the southern part of the castle, and she tried to walk unnoticed, or else, she doubted the King would make her live.

Flashbacks of when she was still married to Alexis came to her. He had always been particularly rude to her, but she believed that, in some weird, impossible way, she had actually loved him.

Then he had decided to run away with that girl. Who wasn't even half as pretty as Sonia. That had made her feel sick. Why had he decided to hurt her like that? And to try and steal from her, just so he could've been happy with his lover.

She had hated him for that. But, most of all, she had hated her. The girl that he loved a million times more than how he loved Sonia. And Sonia hadn't even cared much about him before he had decided to run away, and she had let him. She had let him and her go away. Without even calling her father before.

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