Chapter 14: Vinn

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Vinn couldn't believe it. The last thing she would've expected was Tina punching somebody, and, apparently, that was exactly what had happened. Tina had never ever hurt one of the people in the Labyrinth.

And Vinn was even more surprised when she discovered that the person with whom she had gotten into a fight was actually Johnny, the person Tina loved the most and that she would've never hurt, probably even if her life depended on it.

But, what was even more surprising to her, was that Tina had the necklace.

And she had hidden it from them.

Tina had always been one of Vinn 's favourites. Vinn knew Tina was a little weird sometimes, but that was probably the thing Vinn appreciated the most about her. She was also very fragile, but also tough, when she wanted to.

Maybe tougher than how Vinn had expected.

The face that Tina had actually punched Johnny 's nose was crazy. Tina loved Johnny with all her heart, and Vinn was sure of it. Well, actually Tina had made it quite obvious, so almost everyone knew it.

When Kestor told Vinn about the fight and about the necklace everyone was already trying to decide what to do with Tina. Should they make her regret the fact that she had hidden the necklace from them or should they just forget about it?

"We should punish her." May proposed.

'Always so sweet and comprehensive.' Vinn thought.

"Why did she do it?" Kestor asked.

Everyone was talking about Tina as if she actually wasn't standing right in front of them. Her look and her expression showed that she was feeling sorry for what she had done.

Dennis came closer to Vinn and he whispered "Why do you think she his the necklace from us?"

"Well, she is a... ugh... not very normal girl. I think she wasn't really realising what she was doing when she stole and hid the necklace." Vinn said.

"I don't think she is crazy." Dennis muttered.

"What?" Vinn asked, puzzled.

"I just think she did it for a reason..." Dennis explained.

Vinn nodded, even though she didn't quite believe him. She was almost sure that Tina was really crazy. She didn't know why, but she knew it was true.

"I don't think she deserves a harsh punishment." Johnny said.

"Why? She punched you." Kestor asked, surprised.

"Well, she did it because I broke a promise." Johnny explained.

Vinn rolled her eyes. Johnny always tried to protect Tina. He was just pathetic.

"Tina, will you tell us what happened and why you had the necklace and never told us?" Sonia asked, gently.

Tina shook her head, frowning.

"Tina, please." Johnny pleaded.

"You can kill me if you want. You can do to me what you did with Lint. But I will never tell. I made a promise. And I respect promises." Tina said, looking carefully at Johnny.

When Tina mentioned Lint there was a sudden silence of horror.

"Tina is right." Dennis said, suddenly. "Instead of punishing Tina we should worry about who killed Lint."

More silence.

"Let's face it. Who do you really think killed her?" Dennis asked.

And this was the question that no one wanted to answer.

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