Chapter 12: May

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May was tired of Dennis fainting. How was it possible? Did he do it on purpose? The only thing she was sure of was that as soon as she came back from the hunting she saw a scared Tina staring at Dennis, who was laying on the floor.

May wasn't very worried for him. After all, they weren't even friends. He could've died and she wouldn't have cared less. But if he was there on the floor then something must've happened. And May did not want something bad to happen. Especially since the guy laying on the floor was in possession of the necklace, which was the only way out of the Labyrinth.

May ran straight towards him and sat next to Tina. She shook Dennis, hoping he would wake up. He didn't move a muscle.

Now May was really worried and she wanted to know what had happened, but asking Tina about it would've been useless. She would've answered by saying something useless and completely nonsense.

"It was Lint." Tina murmured.

May rolled her eyes. That was exactly what she was expecting Tina to say. Lint was dead. Dennis couldn't have fainted because of her.

May felt his heartbeat. Yes. It was beating.

Then her eyes moved towards his neck. She wasn't surprised to see that there was nothing on it.

"Where is the necklace?" she asked quickly.

Tina shrugged. "I don't know."

May shouted in frustration.

She wanted to strangle the girl.

"Please, say it's a joke." May continued.

"Why would I be joking?" Tina frowned, not quite understanding what her friend was saying.

Suddenly Vinn, who had heard May's scream, arrived.

"What happened?" she asked, worried. And then she saw Dennis on the floor.
Color disappeared from her face. She knelt next to him and she repeated "What happened?"

"I don't know." May complained, turning towards Tina expectantly.

"Lint came." Tina repeated.

Vinn ignored both of them and she shook Dennis desperately "Wake up!"

"We lost the necklace." May muttered.

Vinn then finally turned towards her. "What do you mean, you lost it?"

"Well, I didn't lose it. Dennis lost it." May shrugged.

"How?" Vinn asked.

"Our crazy friend knows, but she keeps talking nonsense." May nodded towards Tina.

Tina frowned. "I am not talking nonsense."

Vinn sighed and tried slapping Dennis' face various times to see if he would wake up (May winced imagining how bad it must've hurt), but it didn't work. So she turned towards Tina and placed a hand on her shoulder "Tina, please, tell me what happened. We need it to help Dennis."

"And to find the necklace." May added.

"But mostly to help Dennis." Vinn replied, eyeing May angrily.

Tina stayed silent for a moment, but then she changed her mind and said "I already told you. Lint came here and then Dennis fainted."

"Honey, Lint is dead. Dead people don't... Don't come." Vinn said sweetly.

May knew that she was calling Tina 'honey' only to get extra information from her. Vinn was never sweet spontaneously. She was manipulative. May admired that part of her.

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