Chapter 7: May

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May was really happy when she heard the news about the necklace.

If there was really something that could've gotten them out of that damn place, it was worth trying.

The only thing that didn't convince May was that the necklace had jumped out too quickly, in her opinion. Where did Dennis find it? Why hadn't he told them before?

Those questions kept forming  in her mind while she was walking with the others. And the more she thought about them, the more she wanted an answer. She was walking next to Sonia. She had bonded with Sonia in the part years, even though May was a year older.

Sonia was very pretty and May loved pretty things. When she was a child she collected seashells. Sonia was very much like a seashell. So beautiful with her brownish skin and her chocolate brown hair. So pretty. But also so fragile. With one little touch she could've broken into a million pieces.

Sonia cried really often. Usually everyone was there to try and cheer her up, but she went on crying until there were no tears left. Or at least, that was what May thought. She didn't know if tears were infinite.

After she had walked for a really long time her legs started hurting. For all she knew, the exit could've been miles away from them. They needed to take a break.

The couldn't just March in the direction that the necklace indicated for hours.

"How about we rest?" May asked, noticing that Sonia was panting too.

"Absolutely not." Vinn replied as she kept walking further.

Vinn was the complete opposite of Sonia. She was tough and almost never showed her true feelings. She had a terrible personality, but was also very brave and smart. May didn't like her much. She and Vinn were too much alike. Both of them were stubborn and would've done anything to reach their goals.

"I am tired too, we should really rest." Johnny sat on a big rock.

Tina nodded to show that she agreed with Johnny.

"For once I agree with Vinn. We are really close at finding the exit of the Labyrinth. We shouldn't waste time like this." Kestor shrugged.

"I hate to disagree with you. We seriously need some rest." Dennis sat on the grass panting.

"It's two against five. You should give up." May grinned.

"Three against five, actually." Sonia remarked. "I think we should keep walking."

May rolled her eyes.

Tina then suddenly changed her mind and decided she wanted to go on walking too.

"Fine. How about you guys keep walking to look for food and something to drink possibly, while we rest here for a second?" Johnny proposed.

"Looks like a deal. Let's meet each other here again." Vinn smiled.

Dennis looked around confused and suddenly stood on his feet. "I think I should go with Vinn."

May grabbed him by his clothes "Oh no, you stay here with us."

"Fine." Dennis frowned.

Johnny, May and Dennis sat on the grass between the trees. Dennis was holding his necklace tightly in his hands. May studied it carefully. How had he managed to find it?

"So, where did you get the necklace?" May asked him, curiously.

"It just...on the ground. I found it on the ground when I went for a walk." Dennis lied.

May could sense that he was not telling the truth.

You couldn't just find something so important on the ground.

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