Chapter 15: Sonia

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Sonia wasn't able to sleep at night.

It was because of the image of the Minotaur standing in front of her, with his horrible face and his glare, was haunting her.

The fact that Sonia felt so powerless while she was standing in front of the Minotaur was the most terrifying thing of all. Looking at that Monster was like staring at death himself, because you knew that there was no way you were going to live.

Only that, Sonia and the rest of the group had managed to live. But that was only because they were very lucky. But now that Sonia had learned that the necklace was bringing them towards the Minotaur it looked like some kind of sick joke. And to Sonia that was the main reason why the necklace was bringing them towards the monster. They had escaped him once and now they needed to confront him once more, but they weren't going to survive.

They needed a plan, or else they were never going to make it alive. Sonia knew there wasn't any chance that they would've managed to kill the Minotaur and exit the Labyrinth.

That was why she couldn't sleep.

How could they go back to that Monster?  The only was to escape the Labyrinth was to die. Killed by the Minotaur.

Also, she was thinking about Lint. Her mind was always stuck on Lint.

That girl was stuck in her head every second of the day. And Sonia couldn't help but feeling sorry for her, even though Lint had committed many sins in her life.

She wasn't exactly a good person, even if Sonia considered her a sort of friend.

But also Sonia had committed sins in her life.

Suddenly, she felt someone patting on her shoulder. She turned and Johnny.

"Hi." Sonia muttered. "You can't sleep either?"

Johnny shook his head.

"Nervous?" Sonia guessed.

"Terrified." he answered.

"You know, we could live here forever, right? We don't need to kill the Minotaur necessarily. We could just stay here for the rest of our lives." Sonia whispered, but she didn't sound convinced of what she was saying either.

"The only way to exit the Labyrinth is to kill the monster. And I would risk my life for it. I want to live a normal life out of here and not staying here with my life constantly in danger." Johnny said.

Sonia doubted that even out of The Labyrinth their lives would be "normal", but she decided not to argue.

"Yes, but we agreed that the real monster is King Minos, right? We should try and kill him instead." Sonia replied.

"We will never manage to kill the King if we don't get out of here. And, anyway, there is a third monster in the Labyrinth with us." Johnny announced.

"What? Who?" Sonia asked, confused and worried at the same time.

"Whoever killed Lint. He deserves the same hate that King Minos and the Minotaur deserve." Johnny explained.

Sonia nodded silently. Lint had been one of her greatest friends in the Labyrinth and her heart ached only thinking about her.

"I am telling you this because I am sure that you aren't the murderer." Johnny told Sonia.

Sonia was pleased to know that Johnny didn't suspect her. A knot that had formed in her throat suddenly untangled. The last thing she wanted was to be suspected of murder.

"Who do you think it is?" Sonia asked.

They were talking about a murderer the same way someone would chat with their friends at a party. And they were two teenagers.

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