Chapter 17: Theseus

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Theseus saw the smoke.

It was coming from very far away. So far he almost couldn't see it at the beginning.

At first, he didn't realise that was the signal he had with Tina, but, after some time, the thought hit his mind.

He didn't want to help her at first. He didn't need her. She couldn't help him to kill the Minotaur, so she was useless.

But, since he had been roaming around for days , without finding anything, he reconsidered going there to help her. Maybe her friends had found the Minotaur and they were calling him because of that. He needed to know.

So, suddenly, he started running in the direction of the smoke. He quickly ran out of breath. He was trying to to follow the smoke, but it was slowly spreading everywhere, so he needed to follow something else.

A voice.

"Tina?" he shouted. "Tina, where are you?"

No answer.

It was all so useless. Tina wasn't going to answer even if she heard him.

"Tina?" he shouted, one last time.

He heard a faint "We're here!"

"Louder! I need to follow your voice!" Theseus answered.

"We're here! We're here!" Tina kept shouting, until Theseus finally found her.

"I didn't think the Labyrinth was this small. I found you immediately." Theseus muttered.

"Maybe we were very close, but we didn't realise it." Tina answered.

Vinn cleared her throat, to get Theseus' attention.

"Oh. The rest of the group is here too." Theseus frowned. "I thought I said only the two of us were going to exit this place."

Tina shook her head.

"Why did you ask Tina to hide the necklace from us?" Johnny asked in an accusatory tone.

'So Tina told them everything.' Theseus thought, slightly annoyed.

He decided to completely ignored the question.

"I deduct you didn't kill the Minotaur, otherwise the Labyrinth would be destroyed by now."

"We lost the necklace." Sonia sighed.

"Again?" Theseus raised an eyebrow. "Wow, you aren't really good at keeping stuff."

"We used it to kill a monster." Dennis replied, and, only then, Theseus noticed the bruises on his legs.

It looked like, they were burned, but he decided not to ask any questions.

"Ok, so you need help to...?" Theseus asked.

"Find the Minotaur." Kestor completed his statement. "And kill it."

Everyone nodded.

May rolled her eyes "Guys, what we did was useless. He doesn't have anything that can help us, don't you see?"

"Well, May, as always, you are wrong." Theseus grinned.

"So, tell me, do you have a brilliant plan to get us out of here without the necklace?" May raised an eyebrow, skeptically.

"Well, we all know that the exit isn't a place. It is a person. Well, sort of a person. So how do we kill the Minotaur?" Theseus asked himself.

"That was what all of us were asking you, genius." May answered, but Theseus completely ignored her.

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