Chapter 20: May

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May was very confused on what was happening.

First, the walls of the Labyrinth had started crumbling on top of her immediately after she and Dennis had killed the Minotaur. Then, the two guards of the King had found them, buried under the Labyrinth walls, and they had tied them up, so they wouldn't try to escape.

They kept asking them questions and threatening them to kill them if they didn't answer.

The guards were particularly interested in Theseus. They wanted to know where he was and they wouldn't believe May when she told them she had no idea.

Also, they started asking questions about Tina. They referred to her as 'the weird girl with the long, black hair'. May felt a twinge of guilt every time someone mentioned Tina. She knew Tina was dead and she wasn't exactly proud of how she had treated her when she was still alive.

Instead, with Lint's death it was a totally different matter. She was quite happy that Lint had died. They weren't friends, and, in May's opinion, Lint deserved her death.

While she was tied up next to Dennis and the guards had given up, realizing that May knew nothing about Theseus, she decided to think more about who could've killed Tina.

She wasn't hated by anybody. No one had a particular reason to want her dead.
Unless it was for the Minotaur.

Of course! Once Theseus had told everyone the only way to find the Minotaur and kill it was for someone to die, since the Minotaur was attracted by the smell of death, someone could've thought of killing Tina to attract the Minotaur.

But who?

It couldn't have been Sonia, since she was the only one who respected Tina somehow and she wouldn't have managed to kill a human being anyway. It wasn't Dennis. He wouldn't have killed Tina either.

And Johnny was Tina's best friend, so it couldn't have been him either.

The only two people left were Vinn and Kestor. Then something else struck May. What if the person who had killed Tina had killed Lint too?

Maybe there was a sort of serial killer in the group and no one knew.

But, again, what if Theseus had killed Tina? He couldn't have killed Lint, since he wasn't in the Labyrinth with them when Lint had died. So maybe there were two different murderers in the group. That would've been even worse.

Suddenly other two guards reached towards them. Like the other ones, they were dressed in a heavy armour, both wearing a helmet, so May couldn't see their faces. She recognized they were male and female by the pitch of their voices.

With them came Vinn, Sonia, Kestor and Johnny. Their hands were tied behind their backs and they were almost being dragged by the guards, who threw them on the ground next to May. The four guards crowded far away from them and started discussing what to do next.
May noticed that Theseus was still missing.

"Where is he?" she asked to Sonia.

"He who?" Sonia replied.

"Theseus." May answered.

"I don't know. It seems as if the King is looking for him or something." Sonia said, unsure.

May frowned. Where could he be?

"We are better off without him." Johnny whispered, angrily.

"Why? What happened?" May asked, curious.

She noticed that Sonia's face was full of scratches and blood.

"You didn't know?" Sonia murmured, surprised.

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