Chapter 18: Dennis

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Dennis woke up hearing Vinn's high-pitched screams. As soon as his eyes opened it took some time to process what was happening.

The first thing he noticed, of course, was the enormous monster towering above him. The Minotaur was way bigger than how Dennis remembered him. His bull-face looked even uglier than before and he looked even stronger. His muscles were almost bursting through it's skin. He looked as if, only by touching Dennis he would've been able to kill him.

Dennis' first reaction to seeing the Minotaur standing above him was, obviously, to scream. He started looking around, searching for his sword, but what he saw instead was even uglier than the Minotaur.

Tina's body was laying on the dirty floor, with blood slowly dripping on the ground. A sword was stuck inside her chest. Someone had killed her. Dennis realised that was why the Minotaur was there. Someone had killed Tina so that the Minotaur would've been attracted by the smell of her dead body and they would've been able to kill it and exit the Labyrinth.

Dennis wanted to find out who had killed Tina, but his priority was probably trying to escape from the Minotaur and help Vinn.

So he needed to find his sword.

He then noticed that Vinn was holding his sword in her hand, pointing it towards the Minotaur. He knew she was going to get herself killed, someday.

He ran towards her, hoping she would find some common sense, and that she would've realised that there was no way she was ever going to fight the Minotaur alone. Vinn almost didn't see him run towards her. As she noticed him, she just frowned and concentrated even more on the Minotaur, wielding her sword.

"Vinn, there is no way you are going to kill it alone!" Dennis screamed, hoping Vinn would hear him through all the chaos.

"Don't worry. I will do it. You try to run away and keep everyone safe." Vinn replied.

She was talking nonsense. There was no way she was going to kill the Minotaur all alone. She needed help. She wasn't even able to use a sword, very probably.

And everyone else was in complete panic. Sonia was still asleep, somehow and someone was going to need to wake her up, or else the Minotaur was going to kill her. Kestor was desperately searching for a weapon to try and harm the Minotaur, but he wasn't finding anything. Johnny was staring at Tina's dead body. It must've been a shock to him, seeing his best friend dead. Dennis was shocked too, but somewhere deep in his heart he knew that deaths were necessary to kill the Minotaur. May was preparing her bow and arrow, aiming at the Minotaur's head, but the arrows just stuck on his forehead and no blood came out and all the Minotaur did was remove them, not looking particularly hurt. Theseus was nowhere to be seen. Where was he?

Dennis was suddenly worried. Who had killed Tina between them? Was it the same person who had killed Lint? Who had killed Lint?

But the most important thing right now was keeping Vinn safe. The Minotaur was slowly heading towards her.

"Vinn, give me the sword!" Dennis ordered.

"No! I'm gonna fight it on my own! You need to wake up Sonia and try to keep everyone else safe! Make them run away." Vinn commanded.

"Vinn, please!" Dennis cried.

Sonia was still fast asleep. How did she manage to sleep through all the chaos? He needed to wake her up, or else she would've been dead within a second.

"No! I need to fight it on my own! You need to stay safe!" Vinn continued.

But Dennis didn't want her to get hurt, or worse, to die. He grabbed his sword from her hand, and he shouted "Go away! Help Sonia wake up! And tell the others to run away!"

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