Chapter 8: Sonia

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Sonia followed Vinn slowly through the Labyrinth. She was tired and her legs were aching. Kestor and Tina were walking behind them. Why did she go with them? She could've stayed with the others and rest.

Tina had managed to capture a mouse, but Sonia hated those creatures so she refused to eat it. She was starving, but eating mice still didn't feel right.

Suddenly they reached a waterfall. The water was transparent and it was a wonderful sight. There were plants and flowers blooming around it and you could hear the sound of the water splashing. It was the prettiest thing Sonia had seen since she had entered the Labyrinth.

"Water!!" Kestor smiled running towards the waterfall.

"Be careful! It could not be good for you!" Vinn warned him.

"Who cares. I just want something to drink desperately." Kestor cupped some water in his hands and quickly drank it.

Vinn rolled her eyes and replied "If he dies remember I warned him."

Sonia didn't listen. She ran towards the water and drank it quickly.

She felt something weird, as if the water was struggling to get down her throat. She started choking really quickly and her throat started to burn.

Tina ran towards her and started shouting. Sonia kept coughing uncontrollably. It was like someone had put a huge block of clay in her throat.
It almost hurt. She struggled to breathe and soon she started panicking. Tina's constant screaming wasn't helping.

Vinn saw that Sonia was choking and a worried look crossed her face. In the meantime Tina was screaming desperately.

"What happened?" Vinn hurried towards them.

Sonia tried to get words out of her mouth, but it was difficult.

She kept coughing and coughing and coughing.

But that was a good sign: when a person coughed it meant she had air in her lungs. At least Sonia was still capable of breathing.

But to her, it was as if the air had disappeared. Her heart was beating fast.

'Thank God it's still beating.' Sonia thought.

And then everything stopped. She started breathing once more. The feeling of air coming through her nose and mouth was wonderful. She smiled.

"Don't drink the water." Sonia said sitting on the grass that sorrounded the waterfall.

"Are you feeling fine?" Kestor asked her sitting beside her.

Sonia noticed he had thrown away the water that he was about to drink.

"Yeah, don't worry." Sonia tried her best to smile.

Vinn sat down too, with Tina following her.

Tina's hair now reached up to the middle of her leg. They were really long because she didn't have time to cut them in the Labyrinth. Vinn, instead, had hair that reached up to below her shoulders because she cut them occasionally with her knife. May wanted to keep her hair short because she thought that the shorter her hair were the tougher she looked, so Vinn would sometimes help her to cut them.

It was becoming always more difficult helping each other after Tina had told everyone that one of them was a murderer. Now no one trusted no one and that didn't help at all.

Who could've killed Lint? Who could've been so cruel?

Sonia sighed and decided to eat the mouse that Tina had caught. She knew it was unfair, but she was also starving, and so she didn't really care about fairness. She was aware of the fact that she would've thrower up later.

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