21 // Be my Post Scriptum

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C H A P T E R   21 :   B E   M Y   P O S T   S C R I P T U M

"Ready to lose?" I asked Lewis as I put on my helmet and sat on my bike. It was night already and I was counting with my sharper eye to hand me sweet victory.

"I gotta say since it's you I don't mind being behind." He replied, a sly smirk playing at his lips. He hoped onto his motorbike and stared at me. "Don't worry, I'll have your back."

I laughed. "Well, don't stare too much."


I won the race. Lewis had skills and a will to win but I had better reflexes and an even greater will to make him stare at my back all the way to the mansion. I was a good friend; I wanted him to enjoy what was good. Besides, there was just absolutely no way I was going to lose to a guy.

"Damn, you do know how to drive." Lewis whistled as he took off his helmet. I noticed some girls stopping to stare at him. Even more guys stopped to stare at me. I knew there was something they found irresistible in a girl in leather and on a motorbike. Maybe they thought we could give them a good ride. They weren't wrong.

"Damn, you do know how to sound surprised." I winked at him. Being sarcastic with Lewis was easy: it was not a foreigner language to him.

"I just never had to work hard to win a race before."

"Clearly you didn't work hard enough." I grinned. "Do I see you at dinner? I'm gonna take a shower now."

"Sure. Want some company?" He asked with a devilish, handsome smirk that would easily feature him the bad boy role in a Hollywood movie.

"Sure I do." I replied with an equally graceful half-smile.

He let out a laugh and pulled his hair away from his eyes.

"Just not mine, right?"

I chuckled, but my heart became very serious.

"See you at dinner, Lewis." I turned around to leave, but then he spoke again. I looked over my shoulder to find him smiling fondly at me. It was a rare expression on Lewis, and also my favorite.

"Thank you, Felicia. For what you did for me. Most likely for what you will still do in the future. So I guess it's a thank you in advance."

I felt a thud in my chest.

"Life is not a letter, Lewis."

"Well, if it were, I'd want you to be my post scriptum."


Unfortunately, Bianca was using our dorm's bathroom so I had to go to one of the public ones, which didn't please me since I favored my personal space and privacy very much. I would never fit in the army or in a team sport, always being bossed around and submitted to strict routines. If Uncle Sam wanted me in the army, he'd have to ask Steve Rogers to recruit me.

Someone had probably just used the showers since I walked into a mist of steam in the bathroom. I waved my hand in front of my face to try to clear my vision, and once the vapor faded away, I noticed someone was standing in front of me with a simple white towel wrapped around their torso.

I had a half-naked Wolverine in front of me and I was not even dreaming. Surely, this is what LG was thinking when they created their slogan 'Life's good'.

"Felicia." Logan said slowly as if he wasn't sure it was me. I mentally sighed of relief for the fact I had not yet started undressing myself, but mostly I was just thanking every existing God for this moment. This day had been filled with so many different wonderful views.

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