27 // Rich Man's World

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C H A P T E R   27 :   R I C H   M A N ' S   W O R L D

"I'll be trouble
You're so nice
And if I chose to listen
I wouldn't take your advice
I'm really sorry
Feeling sorry for myself again
But this isn't working
I wish I could talk to you

You think I don't care but I do
Yeah I do
When you leave me
You think I don't care but I do
Wish you knew
But I'm too scared
To tell you how I really feel
Got to do this sometime
Might as well do it now"

"Wait, Harry Osborn?" Logan inquired instantly, his face a frown. Just like my entire life at the moment. "As in the son of Norman Osborn, the deceased President of the Oscorp Industries?"

I closed my eyes. The funny thing about the past is that it's always present. It never leaves you, not really. You can try to forget about it, you can try to accept it, you can try to move on. But that's all you can ever do. Try.

And no one can blame you for failing.

Because every time you think it's working, something comes back to bite you, right in the only place you left unprotected. Your future.

You protect yourself, of course. You make your present bulletproof. But your future? You can't protect something that does not yet exist. And the worst part is not knowing when the future becomes present too.

"Yes." I opened my eyes again, staring into nothing. I forced my voice to come out static and rigid. Like a stone time ignores. "Harry Osborn as in the current CEO of the company and one of America's finest billionaires."

You'd think you leave your past in the past, where it should stay, but in reality, you just hide it in your future, where it never leaves. It waits and waits until it can come back to haunt you.

As soon as the word yes inertly escaped Elektra's lips, like a bird being set free from its cage, I felt haunted. Afraid of what it would come after because of what had happened before.

"I wonder why he is so interested in you that he would go as far as to hire me." Elektra let out, her eyes scanning me apathetically like I was a riddle not worth of her time. A crossword people only bothered to look at when they had nothing else to do. "He must be desperate."

I laughed out of bitterness. The whole situation would be so damn hilarious if I wasn't the freaking protagonist.

"Harry Osborn doesn't do desperate. Especially not because of me." I answered, my eyes moving to Logan's like he was a yo-yo and I its string. Every time I wanted to catch him. Every time I ran away before I could.

"How do you know him?" He asked, arms firmly crossed over his toned, bare chest. His wounds had vanished, leaving behind faint scars to remind him of his struggles. I remembered what we'd shared in these past few hours. This night my lips could have been on his; instead now I'd use them against him.

"Curiosity killed the cat." I answered sardonically. I was too afraid, overwhelmed by risky possibilities and consumed with devious hopes.

"I am no cat." He replied simply and harshly. I sighed. Logan wasn't in the mood to give up; but I was not in the mood to give in either.

"Well, it doesn't matter."

His stare became arduous. Everyone else would have looked away, but I just wanted to dive in. Logan was an ocean whose waters did not scare me. He could be my happy place. The postcard in my heart.

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