52 // Future Looks Good

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C H A P T E R   52 :   F U T U R E   L O O K S   G O O D

"'Cause there's still too long to the weekend
Too long till I drown in your hands
Too long since I've been a fool

We're alike, you and I
Two blue hearts locked in our wrong minds
So can we make the most out of no time?
Can you hold me?
Can you make me leave my demons and my broken pieces behind?"

"Felicia?" Jean asked me one day later, when we were back in the mansion. I had just finished my breakfast and was about to head to first class when that sea of red appeared in front of me like a flag of warning. "I wanted to talk to you."

Oh, shit, I thought as my heart started beating like a techno mix. I tried to read between the lines of her face, but Jean knew how to compose a perfectly indecipherable expression. Please don't be about Logan, please tell me you didn't find out.

"Okay." I said and started walking down the fields around the mansion with her. Logan and I had barely talked since the day before, except for him telling me he wouldn't ask Charles right away about ending our private lessons and make me his partner in the group ones because that could raise suspicions as to if something had happened in the school trip.

"I wanted to apologize." She declared, her face opening in a small smile of embarrassment. "For how I treated you when you got here and so on. I know I wasn't always the kindest to you, and I'm sorry. I don't usually judge people, but I admit I did let my... jealousy get the best of me. All I saw when I looked at you for the first time was the cat burglar the news talked about and I knew you deserved a second chance, everyone does, but I couldn't bring myself to see past that. I was harsh and unfair to you. But now... now I see there's so much more to you, and you're strong and fought bravely against HYDRA. So I really am sorry. I hope you can forgive me."

I didn't say anything for a while. It was as if suddenly I didn't know how to speak anymore, the words clashing ambiguously inside my brain.

"I... I'm sorry too." I ended up saying, and her eyebrows skyrocketed to her hairline. "I wasn't fair or nice to you either and you didn't deserve it. I'm a different person from when I first got here and everyone in here has helped me change. Including you."

"So I'm forgiven?" She questioned, a warm smile spreading across her lips.

"Yeah. Am I?"

"Of course." She said, and then winked. Jean Freaking Grey winked at me. And for a moment there, I saw why Logan had fallen for her. "Honestly, despite not looking like it for a long time, I am happy Logan found someone like you and that he has you in his life. You're good for him. And I know he's good for you too."

Her voice was casual and laidback, as if she was just talking about two friends. It didn't seem like she knew, and I let myself have a sigh of relief.

"Yes. We are. But you two are good for one another as well."

"I guess that's just how humans work." She shrugged. "We need each other to see the good in us."


One week later, Logan finally talked to Charles and to my surprise, he was not only okay with the idea but also very supportive of it. My schedule got adjusted, and I had more free time now so I could help Logan with his classes. But of course we had to face some resistance. First it was Scott, who wouldn't stop complaining about it and finding arguments to persuade everyone it was a bad idea, but surprisingly, Jean took our side and told him to shut up. Then, naturally, it was Tara.

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