47 // The Love that Remains

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C H A P T E R   47 :   T H E   L O V E   T H A T   R E M A I N S

"You taught me the courage of stars before you left
How light carries on endlessly, even after death
With shortness of breath, you explained the infinite
How rare and beautiful it is to even exist"

"Thank you for being here." I told Peter and his aunt once the ceremony ended. Everyone else had already left for the dinner that would be held, but they were still with me by the lake, offering me company. "It means a lot."

"Of course, sweetheart." Aunt May offered me her always kind smile. "That's what family's for."

I felt my lips curling up at the same time tears welled up in my eyes. Peter instantly moved forward, encircling my body with his like a warm blanket on a cold night, but somehow, being hugged only made me cry harder.

"Even if I'm at the city and not here, you know you can count on me. If you need me, just text me and I'll be here as soon as public transport and speed limits allow me." He promised, holding on to me like a koala to a tree. I loved his kindness, his reliability. Peter was like the canvas in which I could always draw. I took advantage that his aunt was distracted by a phone call and pulled him aside.

"I know. And you know it's the same thing for you. I don't want you to go on facing all those funny costumed villains by yourself."

"Of course, we work better together. You know the deal. Quiet as a cat..."

"Sneaky as a spider." I completed. Despite everything, I smiled. Because even if a lot of things had changed, he was still Peter. And not even Death could wipe the smile away from his face. "I think it will do me good, fight crime with you. I mean, what better way is there to clear the head than to kick some ass?"

"I like the way you think." Peter replied with a smirk that held as much genuineness and adorability as his fondest of smiles. It was like he was physically uncapable of being anything other than good and pure. "You're coming?"

"I'll be right there." I said, my eyes darting to the tall trees on the other side of the lake. I could hear people reuniting for the dinner in the mansion, but something called for me in the shadows before that. When Peter and Aunt May started walking away, I stayed behind, making my way around the lake quickly.

"Thank you for coming." I told James when he stepped out of the shadows, my heart about to explode in relief upon seeing him well. Physically, at least. His mind seemed a little bit harder to diagnose. His eyes had the veil pulled down, but even through it I could see the mourning. Not as much for Lewis as it was for my love for him. "I'm so relieved you're okay."

"I'm sorry I couldn't say anything sooner." His voice came out croaky and hoarse, as if he hadn't talked at all in these past few days. I hadn't seen him since he had left earlier to rescue the kids in the base, and I didn't ask him how he knew about this. He was still a master spy, after all. "And I'm really sorry he passed away, I..."

He stopped abruptly, as if he couldn't find the words to express his feelings. I could see the remorse eating at his soul, so I took a step towards him and hugged him as tightly and liberatingly as I could. His flesh arm made its around my body immediately, and after a few hesitant seconds, so did his metal one.

"You lost him because of me." He muttered into my hair, his right hand shaking slightly on my back.

"No, don't say that. Don't think like that." I looked up at him, trying to find a way to ease his pain. But my power didn't work on all that was inevitable. "It's not your fault, James. We had no way of knowing. The only culprits are the ones who pulled the triggers, and believe me, they regretted it well."

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