56 // Make Art, Not War

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C H A P T E R   56 :   M A K E   A R T ,  N O T   W A R

Warning: Steaming Wolverine ahead (you know what that means)

"Take it, take it
I'll give my heart to you for free, girl
Don't you break it, break it
Along with every piece of me
I'll go the distance
But not all of the way
Say what you mean to me
And mean what you say

I never wanna be your ex-man
I'll never make you feel ignored
You could go and find your next man
But I know what you're waiting for

I wanna be the one that knows what you need
I'll listen to your heart
I know how it speaks"


"Where do you want to go next?" Logan's fingers were tracing circles and abstract forms in my left wrist, where my black cat was tattooed. We were walking side by side in the Castle District of Budapest, Hungary, near the Buda Castle, from where we could see the Danube river and the Chain Bridge, the sky a miscellanea of blue, orange and pink as the sun set. Soon enough hundreds of lights would invade our vision, making up for one of the most beautiful scenarios I had ever had the pleasure of seeing and drawing.

There was a sense of historicity in Europe that rumbled in my soul, as if there were a thousand of stories imagined and written there, and even more to be told. And we could be one of those stories, because possibility lingered in every street, every tower, every corner. There was art and culture in the air, delicious food and even more magnificent landscapes. Logan and I had seen much already, and yet I still got amazed at every big monument, at every little thing. I thought that if sadness had an opposite, it was travelling. If life had a meaning, it was to discover it through the world.

"The Fisherman's Bastion." I answered. "They say it's even more beautiful at night, like most things are."

"We are walking towards there this very moment." Logan chuckled, shaking his head in amusement at my childlike excitement. "I was talking about which city, or country."

I stopped near a column, aware at the stares passersby directed at us. Logan seemed unbothered by all the attention he received, but when it came to me, he made sure to show the world I was his until parents were covering their children's eyes and disgusted teenagers were faking vomits.

Logan also spoke a lot of languages, which made up for sompe funny situations when he heard people talk about us and translated what they were saying to me out loud, so the people in question could hear us and realize he had understood everything they were saying all along. I especially loved it when it was comments about me; Logan's inability to not express his jealousy always cracked me up.

"I was thinking..." I bit my lip, watching as the scene changed, from twilight to night, the sky deepening to a darker shade of blue, the lampposts competing with the small fragments of light that were the stars.

"Let me guess, something that rhymes with Budapest?"

"Bucharest, yes. I really want to see if James is there, know if he's okay. Besides, Romania is right next door."

"I was wondering when you were going to ask that." He said, coming closer to me and stopping behind me as we eyed the road below. There was a family with small kids there, the kids looking around with as much wonder as me. One of them waved at me; I waved back. "But yeah, no problem for me."

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