26 // Death's Best Friend

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C H A P T E R   26 :   D E A T H ' S   B E S T   F R I E N D

Felicia's POV

No, I did not throw myself over Logan purely because I wanted to, but because when I was drowning in the liquid bronze of his eyes, I felt something in my gut. My power working to warn me. And just right after, my ears were flooded with a low yet very annoying buzz, like something was sliding through the air. In our direction.

I didn't know how Logan didn't notice it too, but he did seem a little distracted, so to wake him up from his daze, I had no other option but to push him to the ground and roll us over on the grass as a weapon I couldn't see deadly flew over our heads.

And now I was on top of him and it felt like being on top of the world. I wondered if this was how space felt towards the Earth: so euphoric to hold it in its undying, unhurried embrace. I would have obviously liked to spend some more time in my position, but unfortunately, there was an imminent threat to our lives that needed to be taken care of, so I got up, my senses inspecting our surroundings to spot the attacker.

The hair on my neck and arms was standing up in anticipation of the danger. I couldn't see nor hear anyone, but I could feel them. Whoever had thrown this was a professional that knew how to hide, and I couldn't trust that the next UFO they threw would miss its target.

"Felicia." Logan called after me, getting up as well and following me to the tree. I could feel him behind me, his steady breath falling on my neck, his voice a whisper so nobody but us could hear it. Sometimes it felt like Logan and I sang without sound. Like we were set apart in a silent dome when the rest of the world was a loud, screeching arena. "You should leave now."

"In the state you're in, you need me." I murmured back without turning around. "There's no way I'm gonna let you die, or suffer, alone."

"Then we have a problem." He said. It was amazing how our low, concise murmurs could be more heated than a catfight in a reality show. "Because there's no way I'm gonna let you die. Or suffer. Period."

I gritted my teeth. "What's the point of teaching me how to fight if you don't let me fight when it counts?"

"The point is keeping you alive to fight in times I'm not there to fight myself."

I turned around abruptly, my back clashing harshly against the trunk of a tree. My breath caught up in my throat with the impact. All of a sudden, Logan was too close to me. His pressing eyes were too close to my stray soul. I needed a safe distance around it; but still I wanted him to trespass it. Sometimes it felt like I only build barriers so Logan would destroy them.

"I'm not like the others, Logan. I'm not one of your little kids you have to protect at all costs. I can handle war. I don't need nor want you to fight for me. I might have a tendency to run away from a lot of things but I never back down from a fight. I will never allow you to be my ranger nor take a step forward in my front line. I'm not gonna hide behind you while you take the blows for me. No fucking way."

"Sometimes, Felicia," He said, leaning slightly towards me. My fingers clasped the tree behind me for support, my mind suddenly dizzy. Logan didn't need to touch me to take balance away from me. He didn't need a weapon to put my heart on the line. He didn't need to save me to make me feel saved. "I actually like when you disobey me."

My eyebrows raised in hope.

"But this is certainly not one of them.  It's dangerous."

No. What's dangerous is this. Between us. This unnamed thing that names all things. This shapeless emotion that shapes so many others. This unknown pull that makes us know and push each other.

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