LXIX: Thirteen Hundred Dollar Dress

Start from the beginning

"I wish I could go over there, pick you up, and take you on a better date."

"Do it," I tease. "I don't mind, handsome."

He laughs. "Unfortunately, there are three states between us."

"What a bitter reality... Where the hell could he even be?"

"Somewhere that ain't as good as bein' with you."

"I mean, I'd hope. You think he forgot about our meet-up?"

"How could he? I know if I were in his place, the date is all I'd be thinkin' 'bout from the moment I wake up."

I giggle and cross one leg over the other. "I'll remember you said that when we get together again."

"I like the sound of that."

"You should."

"I say you ditch the asshole and do somethin' fun," John suggests. "If he doesn't come, then there's no foul. If he does end up comin' and misses you, then that's his own fault."

"Good idea," I coo. "And then he'll say some shit on Twitter about me date ditching him, and I become the villain."

"I won't think that."

"But everyone else will... James Monroe has a massive number of fans! Practically everyone loves him."

"Alrigh', good point."

"Besides, my manager says it's really important that we make public appearances. Before, you know... my movie."

"Tell your manager to suck it."

"I have. Lots of time. Annoyingly enough, he's right a lot of the time."

"You must be cold just waitin' out in the open."

"A little," I pout. "Look, I'm going to give it a little while longer, then I'm leaving."

"Hell yes. Leave now."

"I'm leaving in twenty minutes."

"Just leave now."

"Twenty minutes, John."

"I'd never be late for a date."

"I know you wouldn't, and that's why you're my boyfriend and not James."

We talk for a while longer, and John brings me a lot of comfort. I nearly forgot about everything else.

John was the first one to notice that something is different with me. I talked to a lot of people since I returned, and they all noticed that I'm a little off. I couldn't hide it. I was (and still am) incredibly disturbed by everything that happened in Russia (from the treatment of Russian traitors to Vincent being "alive"). It's hard not to let it get to me, even a couple of days after it happened.

Not only that, but a lot is going on in America that is bothering me. The most relevant thing is the premiere of our movie. The movie premiere is going to be absolutely spectacular according to everyone who is organizing it. The Albion Theater in NYC will be the location. It'll be packed with the actors, producers, writers, other celebrities, and of course, Alexander and me. It's our movie, and we're the "stars".

I probably wouldn't be dreading it as much as I am if it wasn't scheduled for October 28... John's birthday. I wanted to spend his birthday with him, but instead, I'll be spending it in the Albion Theater.

Kill me.

John and I already talked briefly about this, but nothing too in-depth. We're equally disappointed.

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