XCVI: Five Wasted Bullets

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 ❝Sleep is the most innocent creature there is and a sleepless man is the most guilty.❞
—Franz Kafka

Alexander titled this poem Narkotiki V Moyem Krovotoke. I read it to myself. I love it.

When I saw you as a woman,
I wanted you as one.
To know your body
as a man.

For there to be flesh.
For there to be breath.
For there to be thirst.
For there to be love.

Your tongue,
the most exquisite,
and my most cherished,

June 28, 2063.

Belarus had proven to be far easier to get through than Ukraine. In fact, we'll be out of Belarus and in Russia very soon. The issue comes in entering Russia.

Three robotic beeps from the radio indicate a crucial military report, and since Belarus isn't under Russian control (for now), nothing is veiled by the government.

I dart my eyes from Alexander's journal to the radio as John turns it up and slows the car, nodding for me to translate.

"There are two recent developments," I say when the report is over. "The first... France has joined back in the war."

"France?" John's jaw drops. "France joined the war?"

"The new president in France and signed the Wolfe Pact in a conference with Russian and Chinese leaders."

The car stops completely now, and if it were any more abrupt, I would've been hurt.

"France joined on the Voyna side?!"

I frown and nod. "It seems so."

"Those fucks." John grips the steering wheel. "What the fuck is wrong with them?"

"They've been growing their leadership, economy, and military for the past couple of years," I comment. "They were bound to rejoin the war."

"I know but... Fuck. I was hopin' they'd just stay out of the fuckin' war until it was over. I just didn't think those cowardly shits would side with the Voynas."

"Maybe it's the logical move..."

Neither John nor I have formally acknowledged it, but there is a consensus among the world that the Voynas will be victorious in this war. A sentiment that the Allied forces will fall.

Yesterday, it was reported that American soldiers in Moscow, after an occupation that has lasted since the war began, are preparing for the battle of their lives as Russian soldiers from the East close in. The situation with France is just another reason for the Allies to lose hope.

"Being so close to Germany and Britain, I wouldn't count on France lasting very long," I say. "But the duration that they do exist, they can surely do a shit ton of damage. Especially to Britain."

This is a major advantage, considering that Britain has been very safe from all Voyna attacks throughout the war. John seems to realize this as well.

"That's the only reason the Voynas would accept a nation as useless as France, huh? They'll at least have some use before they collapse on themselves again... What's the second news?"

Now is my turn to frown, for the second development is far more concerning than the first, which is truly saying something.

"Well... German, American, and British AC Air Force jets are dropping bombs on Ukraine... I mean, all over."

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