XXXIV: Ten Documents of Proof

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❝Somebody may beat me, but they are going to have to bleed to do it.❞
—Steve Prefontaine

Charles Lee said he'd take responsibility and suffer the consequences if Alexander and I are caught, but that doesn't mean we're not cautious.

December 5, 2058.

We're in the small house along the harbor, and a meeting is about to begin.

"Are they dog sitting again?" Admiral Hopkins asks, his tone droned with annoyance.

"Yeah," Lee answers, patting Hermes softly before sending him off to Alexander and me.

Hopkins nearly rolls his eyes, but he joins Admiral Whipple into the conference room. Burr, Hercules, and Richard Howe follow shortly. Susannah, grasping onto John's hand tightly, giggles at something he said.

I hate how he's smiling so brightly at her. I hate how he seems to love her laugh. I hate that he has completely forgotten my presence with Susannah batting her eyelashes and flashing her girly smiles.

I hate how Susannah is taking my pawn.

I say nothing as they stride together into the conference room. I listen for a moment, hoping to hear Admiral Hopkins tell John to let go of his daughter, but nothing like that happens.

Instead, I draw my attention back to Lee.

Now that it's just him, Alexander, and me, Lee takes a deep breath and dives into a final chat.

"Remember the plan, Hamiltons?"


"Remember the room?"


"Remember what you're looking for?"


"Remember how much time you have?"


"Remember what to do if worse comes to worst?"


"Righteo. As soon as I'm gone, go do what you have to. We don't have much time. Don't get caught."

"Yes, sir."

Lee looks down at Hermes. "Stay with them, okay, boy?"

Hermes whimpers, but he seems to understand that he must obey. With that settled, Lee offers us one more nod, then he turns away and saunters casually into the conference room.

I look at Alexander, nodding to him.

"Let's do this."

Frankly, we have not a moment to spare.

With privacy granted to us, we dash out of the room, Hermes bounding behind us. We need to return here before their meeting ends so it looks like we never moved, but in the meantime, we have a duty to fulfill.

We step out onto the harbor, the afternoon air thick with tension. Maybe I'm psyching myself out, but...

"Head down, (Y/N)," Alexander whispers to me. "No need to draw attention."

Several soldiers are along the harbor, taking the afternoon off. A group of soldiers dares another soldier to jump into the water. Another group is chasing around snakes they found burrowed in the dirt. Others are laughing and singing some sort of song. As all of this happens, the Navy watches from the docked ships, shaking their heads in disapproval.

A very large group goggles at a new British ship that arrived earlier today. It's a carrier ship, so it is used for the transportation of air crafts. Strangely enough, there is only one fighter jet on the ship. Apparently, it's a new model created by the British. It sure does look spectacular, and it captures the attention of many soldiers.

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