LXIX: Thirteen Hundred Dollar Dress

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❝I think being famous is more of a hindrance, a constraint, than just letting yourself be free.❞
—Martin Yan

We got back to America. It was as smooth as a smooth smoothie. Super smooth. Smoothness overload...

The point is, no one even remembered that we were gone in the first place. We reignited our communications normally. We talked to our friends. Our business acquaintances. And, seemingly most importantly, our "partners."

October 19, 2059.

"He isn't here yet," I groan into the phone.

Alexander, who is on the other end, sighs. "Want me to pick you up?"

"No. I've waited this long, so I might as well just stay. I'll give it another twenty minutes."

"I really don't mind picking you up," Alexander says. "I'll bring you back home."

"That's fine, Alex. Just get ready for your date with Eliza. You're supposed to pick her up in half an hour. She's been really excited about this date."

Alexander scoffs. "Really?"

"Totally. She was texting me all night for advice on what dress to wear and stuff like that."


I think we're equally hurt by our situation. We'd rather be spending time with one another than...

Alexander is at home right now, but he'll be going on a date with Eliza for an apple cider tasting, and tonight, they're joining her father for a formal dinner. Sounds fun.

But here I am, sitting on a bench in Central Park. James said he'd meet me here. We'd take a stroll, hop to a pizza parlor for lunch, catch a movie, then end the night with an open-mic comedy show and cocktails.

It sounded fun... but as time passes, I'm beginning to wonder if he's even coming.

"Make sure you have a good time," I say sternly. "I want Eliza to enjoy herself."

"I'm sure she will," Alexander insists. "I'm a professional."

A professional womanizer.

"And be polite to Philip Schuyler."

"We're already on good terms," Alexander says. "You're more concerned about my date than I am."

"Guess I care," I scoff. "I'll see you tonight, okay?"

"Count on it, buttercup."

I hope I do... I hope he doesn't spend the night with Eliza.

"Alright, well I'm hanging up."

"Not if I hang up first," Alexander taunts.

"Oh yeah? Try me-"

He hangs up. Ha... I already miss him.

I stuff my phone in the pocket of my jeans, pulling my ginger sweater tightly over my body. I'm glad it isn't as cold as it was in Russia, but it surely isn't as warm as I bet it would be in South Carolina right now...


I pull my phone back out and dial John's number. He picks up after the second ring.

"Hey, sunshine."

My heart melts just at the sound of his voice.

"Hey, John!"

"Since you're callin' me, I'm assumin' that Monroe hasn't shown up yet."

"And you'd be right."

John knows about the "date" that I'm going on with James. I'm glad that John trusts me enough to believe me when I say that I find no joy in this. As I got my ride to Central Park, I called John and gave him a rundown of everything I'd be doing with James. And, of course, I assured him that this is nothing but business.

Zero Two Three One | John Laurens X Reader [Hamilton]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora