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❝I'll give you my phone number. When you worry, call me. I'll make you happy. ❞
-Bob Marley

News. That's all anyone can talk about. What has been said on the news. It's news to me, it's news to everyone else.

A lot has happened in a very short period of time. It is overwhelming. I'm having a hard time keeping track of everything, so it helps to take a step back and go from the beginning where the conflict started.

On February 15, the Cubans attacked a large area of Florida. The body count was up in the thousands. It was a devastating slap in the face to America and President Eaton, and Eaton had no intention of letting it slip by. With the help of the brightest military minds (and of course, George Washington), a plan was drawn up.

On March 15, the AC Army and Air Force came together to invade Cuba and kill President Castro. There were many casualties on the American side, but in the end, it was deemed worth it; President Castro was dead. The bombing of Havana occurred on that same day, continuing the entire night.

On March 16, when the AC was recollecting at Key West, the normal Air Force was sent out to bomb other major cities and towns in Cuba. This was all done under the command of Washington. Rumor has it that Washington said, "wipe Cuba off the map" Some people think it was actually Eaton who said that, but no one's sure. I have my money on Washington. Cuba became a slaughterhouse. No civilian was left alive. According to Washington, they're all a danger. They're trained, after all. They'll want revenge.

On March 18, the Brazilian Air Force and Navy arrived in Cuba to carry out a mass evacuation. They carried out civilians by the hundreds of thousands. The American Air Force had special orders to shoot down planes carrying civilians. I bet Washington had fun with that order.

By March 30, all Cubans were either dead or in Brazil. Cuba was a free country now and completely under the control of America. Washington wasted no time setting up a naval base in the ruins the was once Havana. The American Army AC (that includes me) was ordered to stop by in this new naval base and comb the city for any survivors. We found absolutely no one.

April 4 is when the answers started coming. Audio of President Castro talking about the attack before it happened was leaked. It was translated, and what was said is quite shocking:

"Ivanovich already warned us not to attack Florida. I say we do it anyway. After the attack, we can blame it on pressure from Russia and join sides with the Allies. They'll believe us, that's for sure. Those gullible Americans will believe anything we say about those damn Russkies. Ivanovich won't see it coming. He won't be able to deny it, especially after what Nikolai said."

As it turns out, Cuba was prepared to join sides with America... And we blew them to bits and killed their President before they could. It was a national embarrassment to America. If they had met with President Castro as he requested, this entire predicament could have been avoided. Instead, we ended up helping Russia.

It's as though Ivanovich planned it. He purposefully told Cuba not to attack Florida knowing well they'll do it anyway. They must have foreseen Cuba switching sides and wanted America to annihilate them. We played right into their hands.

If I had to guess, Nikolai was playing this part as well. By acting all friendly with Cuba and making comments about their tight alliance on TV, our distrust for Cuba plummeted. Nikolai knew we wouldn't hesitate. And we didn't.

Footage leaked of parades being held in Russia in celebration of Cuba's demolition and Castro's death. Currently, they're offering compensation to the remaining Cubans in Brazil, hoping to gain their loyalty. That should be easy considering it was the Americans who blew their country to bits.

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