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To say no one saw the outbreak of World War III coming would be a complete lie. Every living soul watched helplessly as the destructive war inched closer, slithering towards them like a venomous snake ready to bite and spread venom throughout the globe.

No one really wanted to believe it was happening. Many countries had gone through their own conflicts, both with other countries and within their own. The sound of bombs had become too familiar, so many people wanted to be optimistic and deny the possibility of a major world war. But no one can run from the truth forever. Eventually, it had to be accepted as an unavoidable reality.

Well, let's backtrack before the war and zoom into a key country on the East end of the globe: Russia.

Simply saying the name in any setting can cause a conflict with anyone who overhears. Opinions vary across the world. There are many rumors surrounding the country, but for the sake of being neutral, it is important to stick to the facts.

Around the year 2034, a group popped up in some obscure place in Russia. While the group remained unnamed, they were simply referred to as Rebels. These Rebels were significantly angry at the Russian government. They felt as though the people have been cheated and kicked aside while the government sucked up to America — their long-time enemy — in hopes of restoring broken relationships. The Rebels hated to see the Russian government agree to cease making nuclear weapons, decrease their arsenal of current weapons, cut down their military spending, and release many soldiers from duty. It was embarrassing to the Rebels, and a large majority of the Russian population agreed.

In no time, the group of Rebels grew from ten members to over a thousand. Speeches were delivered by the Rebels in public places in order to bulk up their numbers. Journalists began writing pieces about the Rebels. Respected politicians showed their support. Bad news was written all over the streets of Russia. Yet, the Russian government did not take the Rebels seriously, seeing as they had the military on their side and could squash the Rebels should it be necessary.

This, it turns out, was a bad thing to believe. As the group continued to grow into the tens of thousands, the military began expressing their agreement to the Rebels. The abused and under-paid men and women of the military, anything had to be better than the current government. All previous soldiers who had been released from duty were also quick to support the Rebels.

It was when a local police force bust into the main Rebel-coordinating room and killed three Rebel leaders that things blew up. New spread throughout the world of the horrors that happened, and support of the Rebels leaped in Russia until every single citizen turned on the government.

In 2039, four years after the creation of the Rebels, a revolution had begun, called the New Russian Revolution. The Rebels had little to no trouble storming the capital and taking over the government, both the people and the military rallying behind them. In less than a month after the revolution had started, it had ended with the success of the Rebels and the public execution of the then-president.

The Rebels took over the government, and while a majority of the people thought things would remain relatively the same, things flipped on its head.

A crucial goal of the Rebels was to make Russia Communist again, and such a thing was easy to do when the paper is clean to write on. In less than a day, the people of Russia suddenly became citizens of a Communist country and government. The Rebels (aka, the new government) took everything the previous government did and reversed it. They resumed manufacturing nuclear weapons and bulked up their army. Relations between Russia and America had been severed once more. Trade with other countries became restricted and Russia had essentially isolated itself. 

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