LXX: One More Night Together

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❝Thou art to me a delicious torment.❞
―Ralph Waldo Emerson

We lay in my backyard, watching the dark clouds pass the moon. John and I have spent hours here in the grass. Endless talking.

I feel like I could tell John anything! And I do. I tell him anything that comes to mind, and it reaches the point that I'm pretty much venting. John is all for it, although he had to remind me to breathe because of how fast I was speaking.

The air is frosty enough to encourage me to snuggle up into John's warmth. I don't want to be inside; I'd rather be out here with John. I only went inside to change out of my glamorous dress into something far more comfortable.

The talking goes on and on. And when it finally ends, it's replaced with a soothing silence. A tranquil acknowledgment of mutual affection. A breathless moment of blissful heaven.

I sigh and lean further into John's chest, humming in content as he presses a soft kiss upon my head.

The rhythm of his heart seems to soothe my soul. I seldom feel at complete peace, but now is one of those rare moments when everything seems in perfect place. A puzzle pieced together to illustrate a picture of serenity.

I wouldn't give up this moment for anything.

And yet, some part of me guilts me for this.

A couple of minutes or so later, John breaks the silence.

"I was thinkin' earlier today."

"About what?"

"About how you got into my life."

I bite my lip, tilting my head up to look at John. "Were you?"

"Yeah... and I had this weird epiphany."

I brush my hand through his dark blond hair. "What was that epiphany?"

He takes a moment to answer as if taking time to phrase it just right. Then he sits up.

"I don't really believe in fate or destiny or things like that... but I just couldn't help but think that you bein' in my life was meant to be."

I sit up and face John. "Oh?"

"Yeah... I just... The way I thought of it was that there is an invisible string."

"An invisible string?"

"A golden, invisible string with infinite length. Unbreakable and lovely. And it's tied from your heart-" John places one hand upon my chest- "to mine." He places his other hand on his chest. 

The epiphany, although only started, delights me and makes my cheeks flush. "A golden string connecting our hearts."

"Through everythin'. It pulled me along everywhere. This thin string tugged me away from my ex-girlfriend. It tugged me out of college. It tugged me into the military. It tugged me directly into you. Because we had to meet."

My heart swoons at his words. "God, John..."

"The string tugged me to you so we could talk. It tugged me and urged me to get to know you better. It tugged me to admit how much I love you. It tugged me restlessly, day and night, whisperin' that I just got to be with you, and I'll never be happy unless I am."

I pout and bat my lashes. "Really?"

He grins softly and places a hand on my cheek, caressing it delicately. "No doubt about it. I'm convinced that you were meant for me. I know there must be this invisible string makin' sure that we are together."

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