Catching feelings are simple and I do have feelings for her but it seems like she will never have feelings for me, she will never feel the same way like I do.I started to like her when we first went on a date and my silly thoughts and hopes thinking she will love me and forget about her ex boyfriend.

When I first met her, I think she was the most beautiful girl I've ever met with her long brown hair and sparkling brown eyes. Her features are so soft and pretty that will make any guy melt, not to mentioned her body is slim and sexy. Her skin looks so soft too.  

I was hoping she would eventually have feelings for me but I guess I am not good enough for her.  She was forcing herself for the sake of her parents to agree in marrying me. The moment I saw her with that tattoo boy, I knew her heart belongs to him. 

What a lucky bastard. 

"She may be married to me but her heart belongs to someone else." I sighed. 

Mordred patted my shoulder, "You'll be fine, stop being so emotional. Grow up and be a man. Focus on your career and this company." He said and I couldn't agree more. 

I have feelings for Valerie, I love and care about her so much but I couldn't believe that she will do this to me. To hurt me so bad that I couldn't even go back to that apartment and look at her. 

I wanted to yell at her after she told me that she's pregnant with Christopher's baby. 

I wanted to pull my hair in front of her to let her know how much she ruined me. 

I was loyal, I was such a loyal husband to her. I never even bother to reply back to my ex girlfriend or even accept any random women that is interested in me but she went behind my back to cheat on me. 

I may have everything, the media sure seem to show that I have a perfect life. Perfect company, perfect wife and perfect career but everything is the opposite. My beautiful wife never even love me at all, she never care to open her heart for me. 

I can tell she only have eyes for her ex boyfriend. 

"Noted." I said to Mordred.

Mordred nodded, "Right, I need to go, I have other errands to run. Take care of yourself and take care of your wife." He smiled and I nodded. 



Valerie's POV 

After the date with Chris,I went to the grocery store to do some grocery shopping and I'm glad that I finally told him about the baby. Now that he knows, I feel relieved. It feels like a heavy weight has been lifted off of my chest. 

I was at the new born babies section and the staff approached me with a friendly smile, "Hi Mam, we have fifty percent off for all new born babies clothes." She said and I nodded with a smile. 

I was roaming around, window shopping while looking at all these cute baby clothes. I can't believe that I am going to be a mother. 

"When is the due date?" The staff asked.

I smiled, "The doctor estimated it on next year January." I replied and she made a cute face in front of me while looking at my stomach. 

"Congratulations." She smiled. 

I really like this lady, she is so cheerful and supportive. I wish my parents are like this when they found out that I'm pregnant with Chris's baby. 

Overthinking again and again. 


I called Felix multiple times but he never answer or return my calls. Is he busy or he really hates me right now? I really need to talk to him but he isn't helping at all. I want to apologized that I am not a faithful wife and I will never be because I don't even love him. 

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