Chapter 21: Collision Course

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Collision Course

      That night, Max and I kept to our respective sleeping bags inside of the tent and talked about his job. Well, his ex-job. How great it was, but how tired he had been of the long hours, and the people he'd met along the way and worked alongside of. Unfortunately, it eventually put me to sleep. Not that he gave me any flack about that the next morning, though.

We packed everything up, ate, and started the drive back into the city. This time, I drove for an hour or so because Max hadn't slept well last night. After he woke up, there wasn't much room for conversation since we were entering the city.

The air got progressively colder over the span of the four and a half hour drive. Clouds became darker and thicker and the skyscrapers grew larger the closer we came to them. It wasn't snowing in the city though, so at least coming back isn't the worst it could be.

As I drove, I probably couldn't hold down my smile for longer than ten seconds. I really underestimated how great the trip would be, honestly. Now, a lot of things are very clear in my brain. At the top of the list is obviously where I stand with Max, but at the bottom is also good news. Getting out and away makes me realize that the city isn't my home. It chose me, I didn't choose it. No matter how good my life has grown over the past few weeks, I don't know if I can stick it out. Everything has some kind of meaning, even the street side garbage cans. Do I really want that?

"Hey," Max says.

I glance over at him out of the corner of my eye as I drive through the trafficked city streets toward my apartment. He's partially leaning on the door and on his seat, his arms folded tightly around his chest as his blue eyes are glossed over with sleepiness. He's still squinting at me though, like he's thinking about something.

He asks, "You good?"

"Yeah," I reply with a faint smile, then shrug. "Just thinking."


"The future," I say with a laugh.

Max's face crunches with amusement and he straightens himself up in his seat. He looks at our surroundings for a second before saying, "Heavy car thoughts, that's for sure."

I nod in agreement.

"You know, we can stop for some coffee if you don't wanna go home," he tells me.

Pursing my lips, I fight a grin that's threatening to show and try to muster up a calm response. My jaw instantly snaps shut and my face falls though, when I spot my apartment building in front of us.

Max's brows knit with concern before he follows my gaze and sees what I'm looking at. I try and read his expression, but it's blank. He merely stares at the figure on the stoop of the building.

"I suppose maybe tomorrow," Max finally says.

I flinch at his tone and watch as Danny, sitting on the stairs, rises to his feet and shoves his hands into the pockets of his coat. Somehow he sees that I'm the driver behind the steering wheel of the red SUV and stares at me as I drive toward him. His beard is scruffier than usual and the sides of his head have grown out, but most of his hair is beneath a blue beanie. I see that his cheeks and nose are red and wonder how long he's been sitting outside.

Half of me wants to blurt out an apology to Max and I can't stop myself, despite the other half of me telling me I have nothing to apologize for.

Slowing the vehicle to a stop along the curb, I say, "I'm sorry, Max."

He clearly agrees with the other half of me when he gives me a look resembling confusion. Without a reply, he unbuckles his seatbelt and gets out of the car. I follow suit after no cars are coming down the street. Danny watches Max with a cold expression before glancing between us.

Addiction in August | CompletedHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin