Chapter 16: Associate

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Friday afternoon, I rush into my apartment building and up the stairs as quickly as I can. I have to catch the bus that's apparently coming in ten minutes so that I can get to Max's on time, but my bag's upstairs and my decision to go for a jog was poorly timed.

Luckily, Rachel is working so I can grab my bag and change clothes without interruption. My room is cleaned and my backpack and duffel bag are packed accordingly, so it doesn't take much for me to get everything. It's also snowing today and I didn't run for very long so I didn't sweat too bad. Hopefully.

On my way back down the staircase, my nose smacks into the bone of someone's chest and I almost ricochet off of them and toward the steps. Hands stretch outward to grab my arms and steady me, though. My mouth opens to give thanks as I push hair out of my eyes, but the lingering touch on my body causes chills to run up my spine and alarm bells to go off.

In front of me, a man with fingerless gloves and a graying beard stares at me. He's slightly shorter than me because he's on the step below me, but his shoulders are large and his veins protrude from his skin that's slightly ashy. Sunglasses cover his cheekbones and his brown eyes peek up from above them. They're large and soft-looking, but his thin lips are curled into a sinister smirk. A toothpick hangs out of his mouth and the front of his shirt is stretched down to reveal chest hair and a silver chain. Black hair is pulled up into a small bun with gray hairs peeking out from the sideburns.

"Zeke," I sputter immediately with recognition. My flustered state exudes from my tone.

When he speaks, his voice is as deep and scratchy as I remember. It isn't smooth like Max's, and sounds too deep to be human. It always used to make me jump, especially when he'd randomly be standing in my living room when I got home from school.

Today is no different.

"Goin' somewhere?" He asks, then takes notice of the way I startle and he lets my arms go. "Relax, Auggie. Jesus."

A booming laugh stretches out of his mouth and I watch the toothpick stick to a dry part of his lip, unmoving, like he's a cartoon character. I shift on my feet so I'm not directly in front of him, but with my back to the stair banister. I'd rather fling myself over the side and get to Max's on time with sprained ankles than be subject to whatever conversation I'm about to have.

Zeke's hands push down into the pocket of his faded coat that reaches his calves. He says, "Sorry about your dad, by the way. How you holdin' up?"

"I'm alright, I guess. Look, I actually was going somewhere, so..." I trail off.

"I see."

"...Unless there was something you wanted to talk about, I'll just be—"

"There was, actually," he interrupts. "One of my dealers had a bit of an incident, so I'm short a hand. Since yous owe me something, I thought you could step in."

When he says 'yous,' I'm reminded of the thick city accent that my dad possessed. Mine is more subtle since my mom didn't have any sort of accent, like Max doesn't.


Vehemently, I shake my head. "No, Zeke, I'll get you the money my dad owed, but I won't deal for you. I'm sorry," I say genuinely.

He sighs and glances down at his feet. I don't think he's going to say anything else, when he takes a step onto the stair that I'm standing on. After he does that, I look up to see him eye-to-eye with me and I lean away.

"Fine," he says and lifts one of his hands from his pocket. It snakes up around my neck and pulls me forward until his toothpick pokes the shell of my ear. "I won't push, 'cause your dad would haunt the shit outta me if I let somethin' happen to you. But just so yous know, my next call is Danny."

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