Chapter 14: Authentic

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After the bookstore, we bounced around shops until I got a headache since I hadn't had any coffee. We parted ways and a few hours later, I'm back in the apartment with Rachel. Most of the day has been spent on our own, with me loading my stuff into my new furniture and her working. Before dinner though, I walk into the living room and see that she's on the phone.

"It's just not..." Rachel trails off. "No, but I'm saying that it's just not possible, mama. I want to come see you, but- yes, I want to. I'm just busy and... well, no. No. Not yet. I don't know."

Awkwardly scratching the back of my neck, I breeze past her and get some pasta shells from the cabinet. I put a pot of water on to boil and hear her voice get more frustrated before the call inevitably ends. I think she's going to close herself off in her room, but she soon joins me in the kitchen. I can tell she wants to talk when she leans back against the countertops beside the stove and studies what I'm doing with a blank look.

"Everything okay?" I finally ask.

Rachel lets out a heavy sigh almost instantly. She shakes her head and says, "My mom wants me to come visit soon, but I don't think I'll be able to take time off."

"Where does she live?"

"São Luís. In Brazil."

"Oh, wow. You're Brazilian?"

"Sort of. My mom's Lebanese, my dad's Brazilian."

"That's pretty cool, actually," I say, meaning the lame words.

She nods and smiles proudly. Tiredly, but proudly, too.

"I think you should go visit her. I know work's important, but... you're smart and good at your job, Rachel. You can catch up no problem. Your mom, on the other hand, might not... be around forever," I say while ducking my head to avoid eye contact.

I hate giving advice, especially about people's parental relationships. It was one area I had no experience in, or business talking about.

"Thank you," she says and her expression twists into a sad one. "I know you're right... what- well, do you see your mom a lot?"

I shake my head and say, "No, no. She passed away when I was 13."

"Oh my gosh..."

"It's okay," I quickly say when I see her horrified expression. "But I guess it proves my point, right? Your mom might not be around forever."

She nods and looks down at the tiled floor. I know she feels awkward— maybe even embarrassed— about bringing up my mom.Hell, it makes me feel awkward. I'm almost to the point of ranting about how our relationship was shitty and it doesn't matter to me, but she opens her mouth before I get a chance to.

"Are you making spaghetti?" Rachel asks.

"...Yeah. I thought we could invite Micah and Jay over or something," I respond, smiling.

"Good idea," she says and returns my smile, looking less stressed out now. "How was your day with Danny, by the way? He's your ex, right?"

I nod.

"But you and Max...?" She trails off and pushes her glasses up on the bridge of her nose. Behind the glass, her eyes glint with the hope of gossip.

My cheeks get hot as I busy my hands with opening a jar of sauce. Because I don't know what else to say, I tell her, "He wants to go on a trip to Lake Hanover next weekend."

I've never seen Rachel more excited than when my words sank in. Her whole face lit up and her eyes widened even further than they already are. She immediately says, "Oh my... wow! You guys are already planning trips?!"

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