"Thanks." she murmured, catching it before turning to the scattered pile of wood.

I helped her pile it back up, being careful to keep as much distance from her as I could. Her scent was unlike anything I'd ever smelled - slightly sweet but mostly earthy.


"I'm Jennie." she said after she had managed to get the fire going.

"Lisa." I answered easily, "Jennie is a beautiful name."

I could see the blush tinting her cheeks as she gave me a soft smile of thanks.

"So what are you doing out here?" I asked, taking the time she wasn't looking at me to trail my eyes over her.

She laughed, the sound tugging at the corner of my mouth as she said, "Honestly? I have no idea."

Well that wasn't what I expected.

"I've spent the past two months staying in shitty hotels and figured that even this had to be better. Plus it's free." The last part she added with a slight chuckle, shaking her head at herself.

"Two months? Doing what?"

"Are we playing 20 questions?" she suddenly asked, and I thought I may have overstepped considering she'd known me for roughly 15 minutes at this point, but she simply continued, the same soft smile on her face, "Because I think it's my turn to ask."

I smirked, nodding my head for her to ask away.

"What are you doing out here?"

"Taking a walk." I lied easily, "I don't live far from here."

She seemed to believe me, or if she didn't she didn't comment on it, "Well I'm lucky you were, otherwise I would've had one shitty night."

She pulled a cooler over to her, pulling out a beer before glancing at me, "Do you want one?"

I had no need for human food or drink, but it seemed like a bit of a peace offering, so I took it, popping the cap off with ease.

"Whoah there, Hercules." she laughed, using a bottle opener for her own beer, "Do you live in the gym?"


I hadn't had to hide much of my more...inhuman talents in quite some time. A younger version of myself would be screaming at me for forgetting myself.

Jennie just made me feel comfortable.

"Was that your second question?" I asked with a smirk.

She laughed but shook her head, "No, I can answer that myself just by looking at you."

Was she flirting with me?

I smirked, tilting my head to the side slightly, waiting for her real question.

"Why do you seem so familiar?" she asked, her eyes holding mine.

Why indeed?

Jennie's POV

I had no idea why this stranger - Lisa - seemed so damn familiar. I was certain I'd never met her before, because a face like that was impossible to forget.

Her hair was a light blonde that hung in her eyes - startlingly crimson-colored eyes. Although maybe that was just the fact that it was pretty dark already. I'd never seen anyone with eyes the color of rubies...

Her jaw was strong, cheekbones sharp, and lips plump and so kissable. She was obviously strong, her toned muscles shifting in her arm and shoulder as she lifted the beer to her lips.

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