Isn't This Just Honktass-tic

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themaininhuman I hope you know what you signed up for when you asked for this.


(Y/n) was short and very much a child. It didn't help that they had found themselves trapped in a treehouse with the rather flimsy rope ladder on the ground. They could jump for it, but they valued their safety and as such, was misty-eyed as they thought about how their last meal wasn't dino nuggets. Their favorite toy lay like a murder victim next to the rope ladder, almost like it was sabotaged on its way up the rope ladder. It was heartbreaking for them to be so far away from the toy since it was their main source of comfort. They didn't even notice that they were leaning too far out of the treehouse until they were plummeting to the ground below.

A concerned honk made their eyes snap open from their prepared squeeze.

"Honk?" the troll holding them tilted their head in concern.

"I'm fine now, thank you." (Y/n) tried to wiggle out of the troll's arms.

"Honk?" The troll gently set our smol protagonist onto the ground noting that the person was shorter than him.

"Oh the ladder broke and took Tissy with it and I was alone and then I was falling and then I wasn't." (y/n) was holding Tissy (their toy) and swaying side to side with a slight twist in the sway, you've seen children, you know what I'm talking about, these cooch gremlins never stop moving.

"Honk." Karako put his hands on his knees to be more at eye level with the person.

"Oh, I'm (y/n), Mr. Karako." They noticed that Karako's eyes seemed to sparkle.

"Hoooonk?" Karako tilted his head and leaned just a little closer.

"Ice Cream!" (y/n) jumped happily and clapped their hands in excitement.

Karako lifted (y/n) up and carefully placed the child on his shoulders before yeeting the two of them to the nearest ice cream parlor for some good ass icecream and friendship. Karako has decided to keep (y/n) the smol squishy one.

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