Chapter 2 - Commander

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After leaving the pack house, I walked for ten minutes and arrived at a peaceful clearing in the middle of the forest.

During mornings, the clearing served as a training ground where some trainers ran the perimeter, others practiced duels in either their wolf or human forms, and a few experienced warriors trained the young and inexperienced ones.

"Do you honestly think you can win a fight with that?" I yelled out in anger as I observed an adult trainee throwing weak punches.

In fear, he shook his head.

"Want me to show you how it's done?" I asked him, feeling irritated.

His fearful eyes widened, and he quickly shook his head again, stuttering, "N-no, commander."

Ignoring his reply, I walked over to him, and the rest of the members halted their training, watching us with a mix of emotions on their faces.

I positioned myself a few steps away from the guy, adopting a fully upright stance with my right foot forward and left foot back. I brought my arms up in front of my face, tightly clenching my fists.

He imitated my stance, gulping nervously, which only fueled my confidence, evident by the smirk on my face. His eyes showed extreme fear, and I felt the adrenaline building inside me as I anticipated the fight.

A few seconds later, my opponent charged at me, but I effortlessly dodged his attack. Seizing the opportunity, I swiftly threw a jab, causing him to stumble backward.

After regaining his footing, he returned to his original position but hesitated to make a move. A small cut on his lip from my attack brought a smile to my face, increasing my determination to win the fight.

We circled each other, and I closely watched his footwork, attempting to predict his next move. Seizing the moment, I pounced as he charged, fully aware of his attempt to catch me off guard.

Before he could execute his attack, I swiftly threw a powerful cross punch followed by a well-timed kick, causing him to fall to the ground. Without hesitation, I quickly mounted him and began delivering a series of punches to his face.

My determination to win knew no bounds, and I showed no mercy. The other members knew better than to intervene, as they were aware of the consequences they would face if they dared to challenge me.

I lost track of time as I continued to throw punches at the guy, fully focused on the fight. However, before long, I heard someone calling out to me, breaking my intense concentration.

"Commander, that's enough. He's unconscious. You'll kill him if you keep going," the voice urged, trying to bring my attention to the severity of the situation.

Upon hearing the urgent plea, I finally snapped out of my intense focus and got up. The pack members surrounding us instinctively created space, giving me some room to catch my breath.

As I took deep breaths to calm myself down, two male pack members approached and carefully lifted the unconscious guy from the ground.

His face was swollen with bruises, cuts, a black eye, and a broken nose—a result of my intense blows.

Despite the brutal outcome, I couldn't help but smile as he was being carried away. My emotions were still running high, and the adrenaline rush was slowly subsiding, leaving a mix of satisfaction and realization that I had taken things too far.

"What a weakling," I remarked, the adrenaline still coursing through my veins. "Show's over. Get back to your training."

Everyone scattered, avoiding coming near me, and I understood why they felt that way.

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