Chapter 1 - Suffering

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With my raincoat in hand, I made a spontaneous decision to forgo the convenience of a cab and embark on a leisurely stroll back home. 

As I stepped out of the studio, a gentle breeze brushed against my skin, carrying with it the hushed murmurs of the world around me. 

The day, once bathed in pleasant hues of cocktail-blue, now began its graceful transition into a subdued gravel grey. 

Overhead, the clouds took on the appearance of ethereal anvils, drifting lazily beneath the soft glow of the setting sun. 

Despite sensing the imminent arrival of raindrops within mere minutes, I couldn't resist savoring the fleeting moments of tranquility. 

The path from the studio to the pack territory stretched ahead, promising a half-hour journey filled with contemplation and immersion in nature's enchanting symphony.

As I reached the middle of the street, the first droplets of rain playfully greeted me. Reacting swiftly, I donned my trusty raincoat and pulled up the hood, embracing the shield it provided from the gentle drizzle. 

Above me, the clouds hummed with a low rumble, setting the perfect ambiance for the refreshing shower. 

Not wanting to get caught in a heavier downpour, I picked up my pace as more dark clouds began to gather, determined to reach my destination before the rain's embrace intensified.

As I ventured halfway through my walk, an eerie sensation crept over me, as if I were not alone in the quietude of the path. 

My senses sharpened, and I could discern faint footsteps treading on the gravel just a few feet away. My ears tuned in, seeking confirmation of my instincts.

With determination in my stride, I hastened my steps and skillfully altered my route, aiming to outwit whoever might be tailing me. 

Soon, I found myself on an abandoned street, a quiet sanctuary devoid of any other soul. Yet, the eerie footsteps persisted, drawing nearer and nearer with every passing moment.

My heart quickened as an unfamiliar voice pierced the silence, making my senses alert.

"Hey, baby," the stranger called out, their tone unsettling. "Turn around and let us see your face," they demanded.

Feeling a mix of caution and courage, I decided to slow down my pace, but I didn't come to a complete stop. My instincts urged me to remain cautious while keeping a steady distance from the strangers.

"Oh, so you're gonna show us your attitude? No wonder, you don't have anyone around you to protect you," one of them taunted with a sneer. His companion joined in, letting out a howl of laughter.

The stranger's words struck me like a venomous arrow, stinging with their harshness. The sting of their mockery weighed heavy on my heart, but I refused to be swayed by their cruel remarks.

In a moment of courageous defiance, I halted in my tracks and spun around to confront my followers. My heart pounded in my chest as I bravely removed my hood, revealing my face to those strangers who now stood just a few feet away from me. 

Drawing strength from within, I met their laughter with a dignified silence, determined not to let their words define my worth. 

I knew that the absence of immediate protection did not diminish my strength or worthiness, for I carried the resilience of my spirit within me. And with that thought, I held my head high, knowing that I possessed the courage to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

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