Me and keke ignoring our bfs 4 24 hours

16 0 9

D: omg Keke awesome sauce

Keke: mhm

Ghost: what's so awesome

Shadow: yea what is

No answer

Shadow: baby cakes

Ghost: babe

Keke and D: *goes outside*

Shadow: what's up that

Ghost: must be another ignoring bf dare

Shadow: how bout we make it harder for them to ignore us

Ghost: sounds good

~2 hours later~

Shadow: *sees the girls coming back* k they're coming back u ready

Ghost: yep

Shadow: ok *sits on the couch very sexily*

Ghost: *takes off his shirt*

D and Keke: *comes back inside and sees our bfs sitting on the couch sexily/with no shirt on and has a slight nosebleed*

Shadow: *whispers to Ghost* it's working they have a nosebleed

Ghost: *whispers back to shadow* yep time to take it a step up

Shadow: mhm

D and Keke: *fast walks to their rooms and cleans their noses*

Shadow: *knocks on Keke's door and says in a husky voice* babe let me in and we can hang~

Keke: *tries so hard to keep her cool*

Ghost: *knocks on D's door and says in a very husky voice* babe, how bout u let me in and we can have fun~

D: *climbs out of window and runs to the forest and hides in one of my caves*

Keke: *climbs out of window and runs to her favorite hiding place*

Shadow: *opens the door and doesn't see Keke* goddamn it Keke

Ghost: *opens the door and doesn't see D* damn it D

D: nope nope nope nope nope nope that's not gonna happen that ain't hella happenin'

Keke: ain't no way in hell is that happenin'

~time skip brought to ya by my wolf family~

D and Keke: *comes backs and slaps some sense into shadow and Ghost*

Shadow and Ghost: ow *holds their cheek* rlly babe/baby

D and Keke: that's for trying to trick us

Ghost: then stop with the ignoring dares

D: how when ignoring dares r so popular

Ghost: decline doing it

D: nope I promised my viewers that I would do them


Ghost: *groans*

D: anyways bye y'all see y'all next time and be sure to put some more dares and truths down in the comments down below and send prayers for us bye~

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