Hometown holidays

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DragonWolf: hey guys I'm back, sorry I had a lot of stuff on my mind.

Ghost: why were you gone for so long

DragonWolf: IDK

Ghost: please don't leave me again

DragonWolf: I won't, also we have no dares for today, so I figured why not go to downtown holidays!

Ghost: ok want to get everyone

DragonWolf: yep

DragonWolf and Ghost: *goes upstairs*

DragonWolf: *grabs pots and pans*

Ghost: uhh what are you doing

DragonWolf: this is how I wake up my friends. *bangs pots and pans loudly*


DragonWolf: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 u should've seen ur faces

Rebel: not funny

DragonWolf: it is to me, also we have no dares for today.

Everyone else: YAS

DragonWolf: since today is hometown holidays, how about we go to downtown holidays and have some fun

Shy: sure sounds good

Ash: yea

Everyone else: we're in

DragonWolf: ok everyone go get ready

Everyone else: ok, *goes to their rooms and gets ready*

After 5 minutes

DragonWolf: ready

Everyone: yep

DragonWolf: let's go

Ghost: *holds d close by her waist*

DragonWolf: Ghost what r u doing

Ghost: making sure nobody tries to take u away from me

Boys: *does the same thing*

Girls: really

Boys: yep

Girls: ugh fine

DragonWolf: I don't really mind, there are some dudes that will try to do some crazy stuff to get some hot girls

Ghost: yea and I don't want anyone trying to take u because you are mine forever

DragonWolf: yep yours forever

Ghost: *smiles* I love you babe

DragonWolf: I love you too

At hometown holidays

DragonWolf: ok so we're here but do y'all want to watch the parade or not

Everyone: parade

DragonWolf: ok parade it is

Bystander: the parade is about to start

DragonWolf: ok everyone get ready some of my friends are actually in the parade

Ghost: which ones

DragonWolf: my best friend Claire, and my other friends: Erial, Michael (Mikey), Rose, and Peony

Ghost: oh cool

DragonWolf: look there they are

Everyone else: I see them

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