Guys dressed as girls and girls dressed as guys part 2

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DragonWolf: *sneaks to Ghost's closet and gets his clothes* I love Ghost's clothes their so comfy.

Ghost: glad you think so

DragonWolf: *jumps slightly* Jesus H Christ Ghost you scared me

Ghost: *chuckles* it was worth it *kisses DragonWolf*

DragonWolf: *kisses Ghost back* I love you Ghost

Ghost: I love you too

DragonWolf: hey look at this picture I did

Ghost: *looks at picture* hey it's my color

DragonWolf: yep it also symbolizes our love for each other

Ghost: you know what

DragonWolf: what

Ghost: you are by far the best girlfriend I've ever ever had

DragonWolf: *gasps* really

Ghost: yep and it's the truth

DragonWolf: well you are the best boyfriend I've ever ever had too

Ghost: thanks

DragonWolf: np *stomach growls*

Ghost: I'm guessing you're hungry

DragonWolf: maybe

Ghost: *chuckles* come on let's go get something to eat just me and you

DragonWolf: ok

After getting ready

Ghost: ready

DragonWolf: yep

Ghost: alright then let's go, *goes to garage* *gets on motorcycle* *motions for DragonWolf*

DragonWolf: *gets on Ghost's motorcycle*

Ghost: hold on tight

DragonWolf: *holds onto Ghost*

At Olive Garden

Ghost: so what do you wanna get to eat

DragonWolf: I guess chicken Alfredo, what are you gonna get to eat

Ghost: same thing you're getting

DragonWolf: ok

Waiter: hi how may I help you today?

Ghost: I would like a Chicken Alfredo

Waiter: and what would like to drink?

Ghost: a coke would be fine

Waiter: and what would you like to get

DragonWolf: I would like the same thing he's getting

Waiter: to drink

DragonWolf: a sprite

Waiter: alright then I'll be back with your drinks and your food

Ghost: thank you

Waiter: your welcome

Ten minutes later

Waiter: here you go

Both: thank you

Waiter: your welcome enjoy

Both: we will

DragonWolf: mmm this looks so good

Ghost: it does

After eating

Ghost: ready

DragonWolf: yep

Ghost: alright let's go home

DragonWolf: ok, *gets on Ghost's bike*

Ghost: so how do you like being on a motorcycle

DragonWolf: I

Ghost: that's why I like riding motorcycles

DragonWolf: if I ever tried to drive one, I'll probably crash, the last time I drove something was a four wheeler and I crashed into a trailer

Ghost: oh god, well I'll make sure that you don't crash into anything

DragonWolf: thanks Ghost

Ghost: np I love you

DragonWolf: I love you Ghost

Back at the crib

Everyone but Ghost and me: there you guys are, we were wondering where you went.

DragonWolf: we just went to get a bite to eat

Shy, Ash, Chlo: where

Swift, Rebel, M.C.: where

Both: Olive Garden

Everyone: 😮 but that's place is expensive

Ghost: we have money

Everyone: uh touché

DragonWolf: bye everyone please put some dares and truths in the comments and send prayers for us

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