7 minutes in heaven/new people

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DragonWolf: 😶 oh boy I have a feeling that this is going to go so wrong

Ghost: what is it

DragonWolf: everyone has to do 7 minutes in heaven 😓😓

Ghost: 😓 I'll go tell everyone to meet up in the living room

DragonWolf: ok

In the living room with everyone

Jade: so what's the dare

DragonWolf: well we have to do 7 minutes in heaven, it even says that Anthony has to do it with his crush

Shy: 😏 I wonder who's his crush is

DragonWolf, Ash, Chlo, Jade, Carl: same

DragonWolf: so Anthony who is your crush

Anthony: c-c-Carl

Carl: wait you like me

Anthony: *nods head*

Carl: wow tbh I kinda have a crush on you too

DragonWolf: alright so we will go one at a time so who's going first besides me and Ghost, we'll go last

Shy: me and M.C.

DragonWolf: ok *pushes them into the closet and sets timer for 7 minutes* *timer goes off* alright your time is up, *opens door*

M.C.: I think someone enjoyed that

Shy: did not

DragonWolf: then why are you blushing

Shy: shut up DragonWolf

After 91 minutes of 7 minutes in heaven

DragonWolf: ok so this dare was a little bit crazy, cause Swift was being a pervert to Chlo. I feel so bad for you Chlo

Chlo: it's ok, now which one of your other friends dared us this dare?

DragonWolf: Claire aka Stella

Stella: hey Bri

Shy: wait your real name is Bri

DragonWolf: actually it's Brianna but I mostly go by DragonWolf

Stella: yeah also I helped her pick out her nickname

Ghost: wow I kinda like your real name, but DragonWolf suits you better

DragonWolf: aww thanks Ghost, *hugs Ghost*

Stella: umm DragonWolf why are you hugging him?

DragonWolf: well he's my boyfriend what else did you expect

Stella: wait what

DragonWolf: yep

Stella: ok then also can my boyfriend Ant come

DragonWolf: ughh if he must

Anthony: wait me

DragonWolf: no a different one

Anthony: oh ok

Ant: hey motherfuckers

DragonWolf: *goes up behind ant*
Ant: hey where did that person go

DragonWolf: *jack slaps ant* I've always wanted to do that

Ant: wtf why did you do that bitch

DragonWolf: just cause

Ghost: call my girlfriend a bitch one more time, you will die

Ant: 😶 umm quick question who is your girlfriend

Ghost: the one that you called a bitch

Ant: and who is


Ant: oh shit

DragonWolf: also everyone here calls me DragonWolf

Ant: ok

Stella: hey Ant

Ant: hey babe

DragonWolf: oh brother

Ghost: *grabs DragonWolf and hugs her*

DragonWolf: 🥰

Jade: wait DragonWolf, aren't you supposed to end this chapter

DragonWolf: oh yeah, bye everyone please make sure to put truths and dares down in the comments and send prayers for us bye~

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