Rap fails

45 2 6

DragonWolf: *phone goes off and looks at phone* OH YEA THIS WILL BE TOO FUNNY

Nishi: got my dare

DragonWolf: yep let me get everyone

Nishi: ok

DragonWolf: *plays air horn video from phone to the Bluetooth speakers*

Everyone but me and Nishi: WHAT THE HELL OH NO SHE DIDN'T NOT AGAIN

DragonWolf: *laughs evilly* I'm so evil

Everyone but me and Nishi: *runs to the living room only to trip over each other*

DragonWolf and Nishi: *laughs*

Ghost: not funny

DragonWolf: it's a little funny

Shy: not really

DragonWolf: well it was to us also we have a dare

Ghost: *looks at Nishi* what's the dare

Nishi: we have to watch rap fails

Mc: that's not to bad

DragonWolf: nope

Nishi: I decided to go easy on u guys for now

Ghost: I still don't trust u but let's get this over with

*after the video*

Everyone: 😶😶😶😶😶😶 ok then that was that

DragonWolf: yep bye y'all see y'all next time and be sure to put some more dares and truths down in the comments down below and send prayers for us bye

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