Punks dare pt.2

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DragonWolf: *laptop dings and looks at the notification* o my god this dare will be so adorable

Ghost: what will be, and what's the dare

DragonWolf: u and ur brothers have to teach Nika, Virgil, Luna, Aurora, Cutaba, Maiko, and Emiko how to dance

Ghost: y

DragonWolf: because it will be so adorable

Ghost: ok I'm going to get my brothers, no more of your pranks

DragonWolf: aww ur no fun

Ghost: ur pranks are way too crazy, like the explosion prank got us scared

DragonWolf: that was the whole point

Ghost: but they're not cool

DragonWolf: fine

Ghost: *gets his brothers*

Swift: what's the dare this time

DragonWolf: u guys have to teach these kids how to dance *Nika, Virgil, Luna, Aurora, Cutaba, Maiko, and Emiko appear*

Punks: o god

DragonWolf: u gotta do it

Punks: fine *teaches the kids how to dance*

*after the punks teaching the kids how to dance*

DragonWolf: that was so cute

Punks: it was ok

DragonWolf: alright everyone see y'all next time and be sure to put some more dares and truths down in the comments down below and send prayers for us bye

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