New person

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DragonWolf: hey guys no dares or truths for today this time we have a new person joining us.

Everyone: who is the new person

DragonWolf: my other friend, Slash

Slash: hey guys

Vicki: *starts to blush*

DragonWolf: Vicki u ok

Vicki: huh oh yea just lost in thought

DragonWolf: mhm *looks at Slash then looks at Vicki* hmm I think I know what's going on

Vicki: u do

DragonWolf: yep u have a crush on Slash

Vicki: maybe

DragonWolf: hey Slash come meet my friend Vicki

Slash: ok

Vicki: D wHaT aRe U dOiNg

DragonWolf: letting u meet Slash and get to know him

Slash: hey

Vicki: *stutters* h-hi

Slash: u ok

Vicki: huh oh yea I'm good

DragonWolf: u sure about that

Vicki: yes

DragonWolf: ok well that's it for now see y'all next time and be sure to put some more dares and truths down in the comments down below and send prayers for everyone bye

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