Again Im so dead for this

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After the crazy vacation

Girls: finally home

Guys: yea next time don't do that to us ever again

Girls: sorry

DragonWolf: *hears phone go off* *looks at phone and starts laughing*

Ghost: what's so funny

DragonWolf: *still laughing* this *shows everyone the dare*

Swift: oh hell no I'm not doing that especially not in front of Chlo

DragonWolf: u gotta do it a dare's a dare

Swift: I'm going to kill u for this

Ghost: the hell u r

Swift: 😳

Ghost: mhm that's what I thought

DragonWolf: again Swift u gotta do it

Swift: fine *drinks a lot of water* *pees on
himself while feeling so embarrassed*

Everyone: *busts out laughing*

DragonWolf: *uses powers to fix Swift*

Swift: thank u

DragonWolf: np *still laughing* *is dying from laughing*

Ghost: u ok

DragonWolf: nope I can't breathe because I'm laughing way too much

Ghost: *hugs her to calm her down*

DragonWolf: *calms down and hugs back*

Ghost: better

DragonWolf: yep bye y'all see y'all next time and be sure to put some more dares and truths down in the comments down below and send prayers for us bye

TMNT street punks and friends truth or dareWhere stories live. Discover now