Chapter 12

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I jumped and looked back at Nathan. He just stood on all four on the blanket, holding something against my arm while smiling slightly. I looked down at my arm and smiled when I saw what it was. It wasn't my camera, but it was an even better one. It was a monochrome camera, the newest model. Of course Nathan had one of these. I looked up at Nathan, and at the camera once again. Did he want me to use it?

"Go on." He pressed the camera against my arm even harder while nodding towards the ocean. My lips curled upwards into a smile before I grabbed his camera, stood up and hurried towards the ocean. I took a few deep breaths before I put my eye in the viewfinder to find a great picture. I felt my heart skip a beat when I found one. I took a couple of photos before switching position. I felt my heart skip a beat once again. Beautiful. I lowered the camera to look back at the pictures I'd taken. In the first picture I'd been sitting down, almost lining the camera up with the water so that it looked like you watched the scene out of a swimmer's eyes. I'd also managed to capture a dolphin in the middle of jumping, so it levitated in the air, just above the orange waves and the pink sky. In the second picture I'd managed to capture the sunset, the dolphins, the ocean and the light house. The picture's I'd managed to take were lovely, breathtaking, almost magical. But that's exactly what to expect when you use the newest technology. However, while the photos were good, they still weren't IT.

I remained by the ocean for a while, taking more pictures of the dolphin family and of the sunset. "Fuck." I cursed when the sun had disappeared behind the horizon. It was now impossible to take pictures, or maybe not impossible, but they wouldn't turn out great.

I turned around and walked back to Nathan with a slight frown. I could've stayed in that moment forever, I- "What's up with that frown?" I widened my eyes at Nathan before smiling and shaking my head. "Oh, nothing. I just wish that I could've gotten more time to take pictures. The ones I took turned out good, but still not great." I sat down on the blanket before laying down and groaning. "I had the perfect scene for an entry to the Everyday Heroes contest, and I fucked it." I facepalmed before rolling over to the side, just staring at Nathan as he stood up. "Well, I'm sure they're great since you get the chance to see the world through your eyes. Mark would be stupid to think otherwise." I looked at Nathan in confusion when I heard him call Mr. Jefferson by his first name. "Mark?" I sat up slightly, and Nathan just froze for a moment before looking back at me with a smile. "Sorry, Mr. Jefferson, he's helping me a lot with finding my own voice when it comes to photographing." His smile faded for a second, showing something that looked like fear before looking away again. What-

"Here." Nathan handed me a lighter and nodded his head in the direction of where my back was facing. I turned my head and saw a pile of sticks and coal. A campfire! I looked back at Nathan and flashed him a big smile before looking at the unlit campfire. I then leaned forward before lightning a stick. I made sure to blow on the glowing part of the stick, providing it with oxygen so that it could evolve into a big flame. It didn't take long for it to do so. I smiled when I saw Nathan take a seat next to me by the fire. "Good job, you actually managed to make a fire." I rolled my eyes before shaking my head. "I can't believe you just said that, I'm somewhat of a camping expert if I may say so myself." I looked at Nathan and smiled once again when I saw his lips curl upwards slightly. Good. I didn't like it when he had that serious look on his face. Neither that nor when he looked scared.

My attention shifted from Nathan to the water. The sun had disappeared completely, so the moon replaced the sun when it came to the reflection that elegantly danced across the water. The water now looked dark blue instead of orange. It looked more magic than before, more mysterious. I flinched when I saw a flashing light behind me, just like in my dream. 

I turned around, expecting to see total darkness and a pair of shining and eerie looking eyes. My heart beat up when I closed my eyes, expecting to feel a sharp pinch in my neck. I clenched my fists, expecting to feel a throbbing pain in my abdomen, I opened my eyes again, expecting to see a psychopathic killer with a twisted smile. But I only saw Nathan, he looked at me with a slight frown when he saw my shocked and scared face.

"What's wrong? You look really Pale? I only took a photo." I swallowed while nodding. Of course, he only took a picture, stop thinking about the dream. Stop thinking about something that didn't even happen. I wiped my eyes with the back of my hand when I noticed that tears had started to form in them. I really need to talk to Warren about this. This can't be normal.

I leaned back, laying down on the blanket before sighing. "Sorry, I've just had these weird dreams, don't worry. It's got nothing to do with you Nathan. " He laid down next to me before sighing. "Are you sure you're okay, you looked really scared there for a moment." I nodded before exhaling. My body was now hot and my heart was beating faster, it must've been from the adrenaline kick, my fight or flight response. "Yeah Nathan, it's nothing really, just my unconscious mind playing tricks on me." I rolled over to my side, looking at Nathan, causing him to do the same. I took the opportunity to take in his features, his light skin, his sharp jawline, his brown hair and his oddly familiar blue eyes. I felt my heart skip a beat when our eyes met, I felt a chill travel down my spine at the same time as my face grew hot. It was a weird combination, a really weird one. "Hey, Nathan?" He nodded, letting out a small "hmm?" as I rolled over to my back once again. I then sat up, smiling slightly before looking down at him.

"Let's play truth or dare"

Let me be the light to your darkness (Nathan Prescott x reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang