Chapter 7

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Nathan opened his left eye slightly, glaring at me with a bored look for a millisecond before somewhat furrowing his eyebrows. "Prescott?" I swallowed, I'm not sure if I offended him, but I don't want to be like, overly familiar when talking to him. I didn't want him to get offended by that either. "Sorry about that, I don't really know what to call you." He let out a small sigh and so did I. It felt pretty awkward right now. "You can call me Nathan, everyone else does. That or like little rich kid or prick. Anything works really." I leaned my back towards the headboard once again, picking my fingernails as we spoke. It was weird, talking like this with someone I didn't even know.  "I'm sorry-" "Why are you even apologizing, stop doing that, you haven't done anything wrong, have you?" I shook my head before shrugging and stretching my arms. "I don't know why, but I just felt the need to apologize. I just thought that it must be really lonely." I widened my eyes at the last part. I didn't mean to say that. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that las-" Nathan suddenly stood up, walking over the the bed, to me. "Are you feeling any better?" I nodded my head, causing him to grab my arm and pull me out of bed "H-Hey, what're you doing?" He didn't answer my question, he just kept on pulling me out of my room, not even bothering to close the door. He then pulled me out of the girl's dorms and towards the parking lot. "N-Nathan, where are you taking me?" "It's like 10 o'clock, I'm hungry." I stopped dead in my tracks, causing him to stop and look back at me. We now stood in the middle of the parking lot, facing each other. "And you're just forcing me to come with you? I haven't even changed out of the clothes I wore yesterday." I said and pointed at my outfit. It was a pair of black, ripped jeans and a black turtle neck tank top. I couldn't possibly go out in public wearing this when it's this early. "Why is that a problem? You don't look that bad?" I snorted slightly, looking back at the school, and then at him. "Not that bad huh?" I hated that sentence, so judgmental when it's not even meant that way. God I'm childish. I turned around, starting to walk towards the school again.

Nathan, however, quickly grabbed my arm, stopping me from getting further than 4 steps away from my starting point. "God, stop it. I didn't mean it like that and you're smart enough to know it." I looked back at Nathan who had one eyebrow raised at me, causing me to shake my head. "Sure, but I don't have any money with me, so I still have to go back to the dorms." He shook his head. "Not a problem, I'll pay." I sighed, looking at the school, my clothes and then at him. "Alright, but I'll pay you back. The only people I force to pay for my breakfast are Max and Warren." We made our way over to Nathan's car. It was a red pickup truck. He unlocked it and we both got in, it really felt weird doing something like this with him out of all people. Victoria and I haven't even done anything like this. "Where do you want to eat?" He looked at me, I just shrugged and smiled at him. "I don't know, you're the hungry one so pick something." He nodded before starting the engine. 

The car ride felt weird at first, he didn't have any music on, none at all. "Mind if I turn some music on?" He shook his head and I turned the radio on, turning the tuning knob until something good came on. A song I usually played in my room suddenly came up, Anxious by States that is. I just smiled before turning the volume up slightly, not enough to disturb Nathan, but enough for me to sing without ruining the song. Nathan kept his eyes on the road as I just looked out of my window, nodding my head to the beat of the music and singing along. "It's getting harder to ignore it. With the vital signs facing outward. Joker, you've cornered yourself from it all. And now you are, you're looking awful anxious~"

"Here we are, this is one of my favorite places." I flinched when Nathan turned the car off, I then looked towards the diner we'd stopped at, smiling. It was the Two Whales. "Yeah, mine too, Warren, Max, Kate and I actually went here yesterday." Nathan flinched slightly when I mentioned Kate's name. I wonder if Kate did something weird yesterday, I'll have to ask him. 

We walked into the diner before sitting down in the booth at the very end by the jukebox. We were handed menus and we both begun reading through them to chose what to eat. "Hey, Nathan?" He glanced up from the menu and at me, and I just took a deep breath before talking. "I'm sorry if Kate did anything weird yesterday. If what you said is true, and she was out of it, then what she did really isn't like her and you really shouldn't judge her based on what she behaved like yesterday. She's the sweetest girl I've ever met, and there's nothing I wouldn't do for her." Nathan flinched once again, avoiding eye contact for a solid second before looking back at me. "She didn't do anything weird, really, it's just that-" the server suddenly came by our table, asking if we were ready to order. Nathan quickly nodded, telling her what he wanted, and I did as well before she walked away. He then leaned back in his seat, looking out the window as if trying to avoid eye contact. He really did seem off when talking about certain subjects. I just decided to let it go, I could always ask him some other time, I didn't want to make him uncomfortable. I wanted to get to know him better, and making things awkward wouldn't really speed things up.

I sighed and grabbed my phone, pressing Kate in my contacts before pressing the call button. She didn't answer so I ended the call, glancing up at Nathan slightly, only for our eyes to meet. "When did you get home with Kate yesterday? She's still not up." Nathan just shrugged. "I don't know, late? I didn't really look at the time on my phone." He looked out the window again. He was being cold, just as when we first met. He was not behaving like he did this morning at all. I sighed again before writing Kate a text.

Me: Hey Kate! How are you feeling? I heard from Nathan that you were out of it yesterday and that you had to go to the hospital, you okay? Text me when you see this, and call me when you're feeling better! <3

Let me be the light to your darkness (Nathan Prescott x reader)Where stories live. Discover now