Chapter 8

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I drank the last bit of my tea before leaning back in my seat, looking out at the sea. Nathan and I hadn't said a word to each other during the meal. I didn't mean for it to become this awkward...

"I'm sorry for bringing Kate up, I won't do it again. I didn't mean for it to become awkward." He looked at me and his eyes widen for a short period of time, longer than he usually showed his surprised face though. He sighed, putting the money we owed for the meal on the table before starting to get out of the stall. "Let's go." I let out a quiet sigh and followed him out of the diner. He didn't say a word as we made our way to his car, about to drive back to Blackwell. He started the engine and we drove back to school in total silence. I didn't even want to ask him if I could turn the radio on. I didn't want the situation to get worse.

When we got back to school and Nathan had parked he just turned the engine off before simply sitting and looking out of the windshield for a couple of seconds. He then suddenly opened his door, causing me to do the same. We both stepped out of the car and I began to walk towards Blackwell again. "Change your clothes and come by my dorm." I looked back at Nathan who now started to walk towards the school again. "Wai- What clothes, and which room?" He shrugged as he kept walking, walking past me and continuing. "Just regular clothes, and ask your friend, he knows." I sighed, walking towards the girl's dorm. Nathan was long gone, he walked really fast. I, on the other hand, walked slow as fuck.

I sighed when I walked into the dormitory. It was around 11, so some people were still sound asleep. I decided to try to see if Kate were awake. I went over to her door and knocked. "Kate? You awake?" No answer. I guess she's really tired huh? I walked to my room, walking through the already open door before closing it behind me. There were a lot of clothes on my floor, Nathan was right, I should probably clean up. It could wait though, I had to get ready to go to Nathan's room... I don't even know why I'm listening to him, why I'm doing as I'm told by him. There's just something about him, he acts all tough, and yet he seems really lonely. He might just need someone's who's there for him, someone who actually listens to him before judging him and someone who isn't judging him based on his family. I grabbed some clothes, a pair of black jeans, a black belt and an army green, ribbed turtle neck top. I brushed my hair and did a small twirl when looking in the mirror, just making sure that everything looked decent. I then grabbed my keys, walking out of my dorm room before locking it and heading towards the boy's dorms.

When walking into the hall I immediately felt a strong scent of cologne, and when I say strong I really mean STRONG. I didn't know where anyone lived, except for Warren, and the map on the wall didn't really help. There were graffiti and writing all over it. So I just went over to Warren's door and knocked a few times before the said boy opened his door, yawning. "(Y/n)? What're you doing here?" I shrugged before glancing down the halls, they were empty, but there were loud rock music playing through one of the doors. "I just wanted to know if you knew where Nathan Prescott's room is." Warren's eyes widen and he looked slightly to the left before looking at me once again. "Why are you wondering where his room is?" I looked down slightly, sighing. "I don't know, we just hung out this morning and I guess we're going to hang out now as well." Warren sighed, grabbing my arm before pulling me into his room. "What are you doing Warren?" He closed the door before turning around, looking at me. "Fine, hang out with him, the Nathan Prescott, the guy that everyone hates." I furrowed my eyebrows slightly. What's going on, why is Warren behaving like this. "(Y/n), do you know where Kate is? Max called me last night, saying that Nathan carried you to your room yesterday." I furrowed my eyes once again, how'd he know. "How did she know that he did that?" "Because he knocked at Max's door, asking if she had a spare key to your room. But she knew that you had one on you so she just helped him open the door." I nodded, looking back at Warren's door. "Look, Warren, I get that you're worried but Nathan's actually quite nice." I walked over to his door, about to open it when he grabbed my arm. "Be careful." I rolled my eyes at him. "Okay dad." I smiled at him before opening my mouth once again. "So, his room number?" Warren sighed before answering. "111 I think..." I nodded, waving him goodbye before exiting the room and walking over to Nathan's. I knocked on the door a few times, waiting a few seconds until the door opened. When it did it revealed Nathan wearing his signature outfit; A white t-shirt, his football jacket and a pair of blue jeans.

"Ready?" He shook his head slightly. "Not yet, I just have to do something." He walked back into his room, leaving his door open. I entered, looking around. As I did I felt chills running down my spine, I did not enjoy being in this room, not at all. Nathan sat down my his computer, doing something. I didn't know what and I didn't want to be too nosy. I walked over to a couch by the wall, sitting down. I glanced around his room, the color scheme were black and white, and the blinders were down, so it only added to the eerie feeling. I stood up, walking around the room once again, I stopped slightly, looking down to see a couple of jars with pills. What are those for? I then walked over to a bookshelf filled with movies, looking at the scary posters on there. "Do you like horror stuff?" Nathan looked back at me slightly, nodding before looking at the computer once again. Just as talkative as usual. I sat down on his bed before grabbing my phone, calling Kate once again. I had to get hold of her. The beeps went on for a while before it went to her voicemail, and I decided to record one for once.

"Hey Kate, it's me, just wondering if you're feeling any better. It's weird that you haven't woken up yet considering the fact that I've called, texted and knocked on your door like three thousand times." I chuckled before my smile faded into a small frown. "J-Just call me when you hear this, okay? I'm worried about you..."

Let me be the light to your darkness (Nathan Prescott x reader)Where stories live. Discover now